I smoked a lot of weed during my high school and college days but now I'm into beer and whiskey.I dont smoke pot, i dont ingest it in any way shape or form. It isnt legal here, if it were i would but it isnt so i dont. Last i checked Alabama it isnt legal either yet that nutswinger is a hippy
I dont smoke pot, i dont ingest it in any way shape or form. It isnt legal here, if it were i would but it isnt so i dont. Last i checked Alabama it isnt legal either yet that nutswinger is a hippy
I smoked a lot of weed during my high school and college days but now I'm into rainbows and Depeche Mode.
Rocky Mountain Oysters.
As did we all my friend, however if it were legal i would likely not smoke but would ingest it in some way or another.I smoked a lot of weed during my high school and college days but now I'm into beer and whiskey.
Nah, if i really wanted to i would be allowed. Truth be told, if i wanted to i wouldnt even know where to get it... i have been disconnected from that for too long to have any means of procuring it. If you know anybody in the omaha area with body high, high quality stuff get at metranslation: My wife runs the house and I'm not allowed to partake in doobage
He’s a quote machine. He has some gems right before halftime too.Washington St. is another school that's in the top ten every year. Those fvkers get arrested left and right and Leach's only response to it was he went on Twitter and told the cops to stop fvking with his players. I love that guy.
Me neither, but it sucks.Not familiar with Alabama law
HAHAHA Good luck with them red states. Its a toss up which turns first Nebraska or Alabama... when it comes to weed the old blue hairs rule the perspective that weed is the devilffs bama needs to legalize da weeds and illegalize natties. Get em stoned enough they don't remember they ever won any and maybe the rest of us can have a chance.
you know, I never really care about weed......it's plant, not a drug
I care more about HOW these kids get caught. Doing stupid shit like leaving a dime bag on the front dash or passenger seat in the open when a cop stops them.
How dumb do you have to be to get caught w weed. Seriously.