New Member
Well, the freakin Red Sox are 1-3 with the Tigers, first of all. The A's are 1-2.. not to mention last season reg season and ps. NYY are 1-2, not to mention last yr ps. The O's are 4-2 with the Tigers, but I'd put our rotation up against theirs in Oct. So, AGAIN, there's MORE to suggest the Tigers will play well in the ps than won't. AND.. I'll say it AGAIN, the Twins are a pain that I hate watching the Tigers play. At 26-22 vs winning teams, I'm fine with the Tigers playing-- just not worried about it. Btw, if you don't think Detroit is acquiring the bp help they need at the deadline for their playoff run, then it's YOU who has the 'issues' to address.One more time now.. not worried about the Tigers ps chances.. but thanks for checkin