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Adrian Peterson, talking smack to the media

Win TWINS!!!

Least Racist Member
Jul 23, 2013
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My post has more to do with what he did with his lack of knowledge about his son. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem. Yea and you buy everything that ESPN spits out.

Look wise guy, don't come on this board and start throwing your weight around about who has whose facts straight. I have just about enough out people like you. There are other ways to engage people you normally don't routinely discuss things with than to come in here and on your first several posts start dictating about whose facts are straight.

I am not putting up with any BS from opponent fans that wonder onto this board. If you don't understand then I'll help you understand. Capeeche?


haha! Internet tough guy talk! Didn't mean to twist your panties in a bunch. So tell me. Whose facts are straight? The fact of the matter is that no one knows the whole story, nor can they say the range of emotions he went through, or the best way to deal with it. I wasn't throwing my weight around. I said nothing that was disparaging (unlike you, that wants to question another man's character). I simply offered another point of view. So if ESPN isn't a source for information, where did you glean yours from? Probably somewhere that was no more or less credible or reliable.

As for coming onto this thread, I saw AP's name and got curious. Hit me back when you get your big boy britches on and help me understand.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Telling someone to get their facts straight is not offering another point of view. I have worked with sons with no fathers and I am well aware of what goes on with families of these types. I don't need to get my information from ESPN. I happen to hold a Master's degree in clinical psychology and 4 years of work in the field. So get this straight. You want to come here and and tell me to get my big boy pants on when I have the experience and the knowledge about family pathologies and you are getting your information from ESPN. You want to play this tough guy game. Fine. Why don't you tell me all about displaced father's and their lack of knowledge they had a son and what they do when they find out they have one. I am waiting...

Just a warning. I am not going to put up with some individual that wants to come on this board and start things just because we are fans of teams playing one another. Get it? I have been watching football longer than you have been alive. And don't ever question where I get my facts from about these matters when I have the degrees and the experience working in the industry.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2013
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welp on another note, the HAWKS just beat the dog ish out of the packers.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Seattle looked very impressive this evening Jermaine. Pete Carroll has these guys hitting on all cylinders and its only the first game.

Win TWINS!!!

Least Racist Member
Jul 23, 2013
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Telling someone to get their facts straight is not offering another point of view. I have worked with sons with no fathers and I am well aware of what goes on with families of these types. I don't need to get my information from ESPN. I happen to hold a Master's degree in clinical psychology and 4 years of work in the field. So get this straight. You want to come here and and tell me to get my big boy pants on when I have the experience and the knowledge about family pathologies and you are getting your information from ESPN. You want to play this tough guy game. Fine. Why don't you tell me all about displaced father's and their lack of knowledge they had a son and what they do when they find out they have one. I am waiting...

Just a warning. I am not going to put up with some individual that wants to come on this board and start things just because we are fans of teams playing one another. Get it? I have been watching football longer than you have been alive. And don't ever question where I get my facts from about these matters when I have the degrees and the experience working in the industry.



Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Yea, that's what I figured. Just a lot talkin' garbage with little or no substance.

Win TWINS!!!

Least Racist Member
Jul 23, 2013
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FYI Twins. I am also the mod of this board as well.

Lipstick on a pig.

You've overreacted to a perceived slight and this is your only recourse. Obviously you can't engage in civil discourse and banter with the "opposition." I've not been disrespectful to anyone, as evidenced by my other posts on this thread. It was not my intention to pick any "fights." Enjoy yourself and the game on Sunday.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Of course you would say something even more arcane as "lipstick on a pig" which is more of the same cover after accusing me of overreaction when you arrived on this board and decided you know the facts about a post I made after just a few posts you made here. Who overreacted to whom?

No disrepect was meant? Really? Then what was all the talk about "big boy pants" and accusing me of being an "internet tough guy" and using emoticons to further your image of being in the right here with a touch of arrogance?

The fact of the matter is you think you know a few things about some players just because you're a fan of the team that he plays on for how many years? And then you come in here looking stir the mix a little just to see what is happening with the opposing fans. Well, I am not buying any of this BS you displayed because is as useless as breasts on a bull.

If you come back, watch your mouth! I am not a big fan of flippant posters throwing accusations around without knowing anything of value about their audience and the methods and psychosocial transactions that contribute to this being a safe place to interact about the Rams among fans who have been loyal fans for years and have been on here for awhile and understand simple civility which you are obviously clueless.
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9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
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Don't let them rile ya Retro he is just trying to Incognito us lol ...when the Rams start kicking butt and taking names they will be all over us. GO RAMS!!! less than 15 hours until game time!:clap: :clap::clap::clap::10: