Active Member
edit: nevermind he was out
oh man..this thread is awesomesauce..
I'm not too sure about the kids crying and the connection with Jesus...being that there's a walking velociraptor walking around in the room..
I'm sure someone probably is. Producing content that helps drive page views and ups goggle rankings is a business. Don't think it's worth doing it though, unless you live in india.
Dang guys, save some offense for the next 2 games
I thought goggle rankings were how you sort chicks in the bar at 1:53 AM :p
They're high on Jesus, actually.
Gotcha, so if I'm reading you correctly, it's more how the mass is distributed amongst the bat (i.e. - you're thinking that maybe the mass concentrated only toward the barrel might not be the right way to look at it).
You and me both. I wasn't horrible in average, but I wasn't good either. Had zero power. Only hit 2 home runs my entire baseball career (which wasn't much anyway). Used to be an ok pitcher, but I had a late growth spurt, so my pitching days ended rather quickly. My fastball was most people's changeups.
In this instance, would it just be f=ma then gp? Please excuse the ignorance.
I thought goggle rankings were how you sort chicks in the bar at 1:53 AM :p
Uribe has been a little gimpy still and starting to get worn down. When Rent gets off the DL I'd like to see him getting most of the starts. I wouldn't mind Fontenot getting another start or 2 at SS before then too.
oh man..this thread is awesomesauce..
I'm not too sure about the kids crying and the connection with Jesus...being that there's a velociraptor walking around in the room..
Great thread guys. Hasta luego.
Great thread guys. Hasta luego.
Uribe has been a little gimpy still and starting to get worn down. When Rent gets off the DL I'd like to see him getting most of the starts. I wouldn't mind Fontenot getting another start or 2 at SS before then too.
I thought goggle rankings were how you sort chicks in the bar at 1:53 AM :p
Nice one. (gp is looking for a gif for this one as we speak)
What do you guys (SFAnthem I know your answer) think of the theory that Tito and perhaps others are actually sock puppets ESPN fakes to add posts/traffic? He's so fucking crazy it might be true.
LOL. Somebody edited that in. The original gif is from some documentary of a Jesus camp.