Yankee Traveler
Well-Known Member
I guess what in that did I say that was wrong? He said that HGH was delivered to the Manning house and at least from my understanding we have no knowledge for sure of what was delivered. We just know something from a company that makes HGH was delivered to their house but they make plenty of other medicines as well and we do know during that time the Manning's were trying to get pregnant and this company does make lots of products that help with that.
I said that Manning cooperated from day 1. From everything I have read that is true. He felt like he didn't have anything to hide and even though he didn't have to come because he is a retired player he did anyway.
Also because he was found not guilty of anything obviously that kind of puts a stop to the whole process. Wouldn't you agree that Deflategate would have been done a long time ago if in their investigation they found nothing to actually think that Brady was guilty of knowing of the deflated footballs? I mean no reason for him to fight this in the courts if the league finds him not guilty and doesn't punish him.
I honestly didn't think I said anything crazy in my post. I have said that I think Brady had all the reason to fight this in the court system because the punishment was/is ridiculous even if he did knowingly tell a ball boy to deflate the footballs which I'm not sure he did. I felt like he did a decent job of cooperating with the league through the whole process but he was left with little choice but to challenge this whole thing in the courts and we know when both sides have a lot of money this thing can be dragged out for months possibly years unfortunately which kept this whole thing alive. I figured he would lose it in the courts and the CBA agreement makes it pretty difficult with how much power they did give Goodell and I expect that to be a huge point in the next CBA agreement if not earlier.
To me Manning's and Brady's situations were very different. So how they would play out was always going to be very different. I mean just Manning being retired alone made the situations apples and oranges. I don't think though people should condemn Manning just because his situation is over so quickly compared to that of Brady. Heck Manning has been one of Brady's biggest supporters through deflategate and probably will spend some time with him during his suspension because they are good friends.
What you said was, " I'm sure if Brady was found not guilty from the beginning Deflategate is over in 7 weeks or maybe just a bit longer.".
The problem with that is that he was found guilty before anything was found. They had to find something to justify the guilty verdict. The NFL even admitted they had never heard of the Ideal Gas Law. They even admitted that Brady came to them virtually every game and confirmed he preferred his footballs AT the league minimum and not below. He was cooperating with the NFL before there even was a "Deflategate".