Band of Brothers
A Dreamer...trying to find my way home for dinner
No carry tonight in Seattle...they have this Marine layer there that knocks the ball down at night.


He showed in 2011, '12 and 13 (no team wanted him, went to Japan) he couldn't hit
Like I said he proved last year he could hit. See other reasons above.
So you cherry pick the year you want
This is a special team...they all work complaints at all from me.
You didn't answer the question at all. I'm genuinely curious. Is it possible in your mind for a Giants player to suck? Maybe not even on this team, I mean ever?
I told you...this is a special team..I believe in them all.. they have proven themselves in battle. None of them suck...I try and never give up on players. I am a old coach. I believe in the mental side of things. When you can get players to believe ...anything is possible. I have seen it up close for myself in person when I coached.
Is every player on every Giants team ever also special? No Giant has ever sucked? Again, just trying to see where you are at. It doesn't seem possible that no Giant in history has ever been bad, but maybe that's where your head is at.
And what battle has McGehee proven himself in?
The Giants have had some poor teams don't get me wrong but these are all MLB players. You don't make it here without talent. Like I said ...this is a special team..3 WS Teams...they have my respect.
Maybe if they would of hired me we would of had more rings...hee hee