Stance: Goofy
It's fair
Honestly, one game is fair. In a way, they’re punishing him LESS because he was in a bit of after-the-play scrum with Carter. I hate that they give out lesser punishment during playoffs – in my mind, it should be more. If you get caught doing something stupid like retaliating with a high stick (where Keith fully admitted he was intending to slash Carter back), you deserve a more severe punishment. Will it affect your team’s chances of going to the Cup? Absolutely. But that’s what you get for doing something stupid.
If nothing else, at least be consistent all year round – pre-season, regular season or post season it shouldn’t matter. Claim precedents and use that as a starting point, even if each situation is unique. At least you can say, “In 2011, Bouchard slashed Calvert in the face. In 2013, Keith slashed Carter in the face. If we look at the rule book, this falls under the textbook definition of ‘Illegal High Stick to the Head.’ Therefore, as we have deemed in previous incidents similar in nature, this act is worthy of a 2 game suspension.” Consistency. Precedence. Keep it as black and white as possible. Holy shit it’s not rocket science.
(Sorry there was a bit of a rant in there)