I was actually kinda disappointed in Finnerty's. I was expecting it to be a bar/resteraunt. It is strictly a bar.
Serious Giants bar, though. Dodger fans are NOT welcome there...
Well, at least deGrom is at 80 pitches
You didn't marry a dog, did you?we'll be in nyc in october.... crap shoot if i can fool my wife to drop in to a giant's bar
loves bars, allergic to what she calls the 'orange people'
You didn't marry a dog, did you?
Ok...no... no.. no.. hell no
(but she is a cal graduate)
not a huge baseball fan and she sees hordes of 'orange people' during the season. claims orange is not an attractive color for anyone.......
Was that before or after you yelled out "Where's the wireless connection? I cannot get on the Hoop!"? SF does stay quiet here on the forum, he may do the same in that situation.There was an old coot at the end of the bar who was staring at me. Of the two possibilities, I chose to believe it was sf wondering if it was me.
Not that there is anything wrong with the other possibility, though...
Good thing he didn't because I've been in Charlotte the whole time.
Absolutely perfect.
With a SHOT
He is actually putting up very good numbers this year. No RBI, granted, but very good numbers nonetheless.
2 home runs and 3 walks?!?!? In one game!??!?! All by Giant hitters?!?!?!?!?
At least figuring out who the lone representative to the ASG for this sorry set of players will be easy this year.Yeah I was a little caught off guard when I looked them up the other day.
Of course it's a rule on the team that only 1 batter is allowed to be doing well at a time.