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49er Trash on their sideline


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Apr 22, 2013
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The trash would be the guy that leveled Lane on a punt coverage. So NFL AM said the league had contacted them and they are looking into it. They talked about the whole thing with the Ravens and Steelers and pointed out this was MUCH WORSE. While one person was trying to get out of the way this other person straight up forearm shivered a player. Look for a MASSIVE fine ( Steelers was 100,000 this one should be much larger ) and a high chance of a LOST DRAFT PICK. The gift that keeps on giving. 49er fans want to talk about Sherman but at least he is not on the sideline taking out opposing players who are INVOLVED with the play on the field. The Action of this one man turned an 11 on 11 match into a 12 on 10, and they say stay classy?????

LMAO. :laugh3:


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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I don't give 2 shits about fines. Teams/players/employees make money and can be reimbursed for that. That play should have been penalized and wasn't. In that case, I would love a meaningful punishment like a lost draft pick.

I agree that it was worse than the Pittsburgh crap because this guy actually hit our player. It was deliberate and it was a cheap shot.

Let's hope the NFL sends a big message on this one.


Creedence Fanatic
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I saw the same thing and I couldn't tell if he used his arm or leg to take Lane out. But it was definitely delibrate.


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I saw the same thing and I couldn't tell if he used his arm or leg to take Lane out. But it was definitely delibrate.

he used his arm and shoulder like a block. It was bad.

I don't give 2 shits about fines. Teams/players/employees make money and can be reimbursed for that. That play should have been penalized and wasn't. In that case, I would love a meaningful punishment like a lost draft pick.

I agree that it was worse than the Pittsburgh crap because this guy actually hit our player. It was deliberate and it was a cheap shot.

Let's hope the NFL sends a big message on this one.

They put the league on notice with the whole Steeler Raven thing so do not worry this one will by much larger as far as the punishment goes.


12 > 49
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Is that Marcus Lattimoore? sure looks like him

If so he will be looking at a 1 year suspension along with a fine.
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Ok So the rumor is it was Quinton Dial, a DE/DT that was inactive for the game and most of the season. He is saying he did NOT hit Lane but i am guessing he has not seen that he was caught on Video doing just that. The fact that you see him jump into Lane and continue to take steps forward proves that he in fact DID hit Lane and forcefully. Lane never did step on or trip over the yard marker and that is seen clearly in the video. He completely steps "over" it.
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Apr 22, 2013
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Oh i forgot to add that Harbaugh is saying he didn't see it and doesn't know who it was. Funny thing because in the video Harbaugh is looking RIGHT at it and then grimaces when Lane goes down i am sure he was thinking there might be a flag coming.

Way to show you are above reproach douchebag.


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May 25, 2013
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Oh i forgot to add that Harbaugh is saying he didn't see it and doesn't know who it was. Funny thing because in the video Harbaugh is looking RIGHT at it and then grimaces when Lane goes down i am sure he was thinking there might be a flag coming.

Way to show you are above reproach douchebag.

:laugh3::laugh3::laugh3: In the video above you can see he's watching the hit as it happens.:lol:


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I know I'm gonna look biased, but personally, if someone was running at me full speed I would probably do the same thing, though his body language afterwards makes it look pretty bad.

But loss of a draft pick? I think that is going a bit far.


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That's what mediocre thug teams do.




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If the league is reviewing the video that this gif came from, I think any cries of innocence from the player who did it and any claims of ignorance by Harbaugh will be easily thrown out the window. I don't want to speculate on lost draft picks or anything like that because it's always hard to know what the league is gonna do, but I do think that the punishment should be harsh enough that the player and the team can't just shrug it off. I don't necessarily expect the punishment to be handed out anytime soon either, because I think the league would rather keep the focus on the Super Bowl and not make anything else a story if they can help it.


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Does anyone here know if the college ref that forearmed a player had any repercussions? I honestly can't remember.


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I watched this a hundred times and didn't see the guy do anything til I just noticed something. I had been focusing on the runner's feet and thought he just tripped/slid.

But you can clearly see the DE make contact and push his helmet around.

My only question is what favors this guy got from Harbaugh?


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is the loss of draft pick just speculation?


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I know I'm gonna look biased, but personally, if someone was running at me full speed I would probably do the same thing, though his body language afterwards makes it look pretty bad.

But loss of a draft pick? I think that is going a bit far.

Before the whole Ravens Steelers thing i probably would do the same thing. The thing is after hearing about the "rules" for this type of action and the punishments that can come with it ( which include a loss of draft picks harsh or not ) i would never do it, They also said future incidents like this would be dealt with much harsher punishments. A Strength coach got a 1 year suspension for sticking his knee out tripping a guy who was running out of bounds and 100,000 fine and he barely brushed the guy even Before the Ravens Steelers incident. This guy did not stick his knee out, he body checks him. Like they said on NFL AM this is much worse than those other incidents.

So i ask you Doobie, what do you think is fair punishment for this type of behavior?
anything less than $100,000 and a 1 year suspension is out of the question and because of the out right attempt to go out of your way to disrupt the player it should with out a doubt be much harsher. The fact that the NFL warned players and coaches like a month ago about just this thing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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The trash would be the guy that leveled Lane on a punt coverage. So NFL AM said the league had contacted them and they are looking into it. They talked about the whole thing with the Ravens and Steelers and pointed out this was MUCH WORSE. While one person was trying to get out of the way this other person straight up forearm shivered a player. Look for a MASSIVE fine ( Steelers was 100,000 this one should be much larger ) and a high chance of a LOST DRAFT PICK. The gift that keeps on giving. 49er fans want to talk about Sherman but at least he is not on the sideline taking out opposing players who are INVOLVED with the play on the field. The Action of this one man turned an 11 on 11 match into a 12 on 10, and they say stay classy?????

LMAO. :laugh3:

God you Seahawks fans are full of shit you know that right? How the hell is this worse than what Tomlin did? Do you even know what the rule is, clearly you do not. Tomlin went into the playing field; he was inside of the 6’ boundary line. This play was off the field of play, outside of the boundary line that surrounds the field so I am sorry but this is not worse than what Tomlin did, and the 9ers will not lose a draft pick. Now, I do have to say that it appears that Lane was hit and that he did not step on the marker, but as long as they guy who hit him was a coach then we should be in the clear all except for maybe a tiny fine. If it was a player then that might be a different story as they are supposed to be an additional 9 feet back from the boundary line unless they are getting ready to come onto the field of play which clearly he was not.

Here is rule 13 Article 4 which states: All team personnel must observe the zone restrictions applicable to the bench area and the border rimming the playing field. The only persons permitted within the solid six-foot white border (1-1) while play is in progress on the field are game officials. For reasons involving the safety of participating players whose actions may carry them out of bounds, officials’ unobstructed coverage of the game, and spectators’ sightlines to the field, the border rules must be observed by all coaches and players in the bench area. Violators are subject to penalty by the officials.


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Before the whole Ravens Steelers thing i probably would do the same thing. The thing is after hearing about the "rules" for this type of action and the punishments that can come with it ( which include a loss of draft picks harsh or not ) i would never do it, They also said future incidents like this would be dealt with much harsher punishments. A Strength coach got a 1 year suspension for sticking his knee out tripping a guy who was running out of bounds and 100,000 fine and he barely brushed the guy even Before the Ravens Steelers incident. This guy did not stick his knee out, he body checks him. Like they said on NFL AM this is much worse than those other incidents.

So i ask you Doobie, what do you think is fair punishment for this type of behavior?
anything less than $100,000 and a 1 year suspension is out of the question and because of the out right attempt to go out of your way to disrupt the player it should with out a doubt be much harsher. The fact that the NFL warned players and coaches like a month ago about just this thing.

God your an idiot if you believe the guys on NFL AM, what happened in this game not even close to what Tomlin did, and yes if someone is stupid enough to do what Tomlin did then yes they deserve a bigger fine. And as far as what Sal Aoli did for the Jets, he was suspended by the Jets, not the NFL, and the runner was ON the boundary line, not behind it.
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Apr 22, 2013
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Oh so you do not remember the strength coach that got a 1 year suspension and 100,000 dollar fine that "Wasn't on the field" maybe you should check your history on this subject before you spout off.


nice edit job, it didn't work. Had Lane ran into him then yeah no harm no foul this guy went out of his way to HIT lane a player that was INVOLVED with the action on the field.
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So i ask you Doobie, what do you think is fair punishment for this type of behavior?
anything less than $100,000 and a 1 year suspension is out of the question and because of the out right attempt to go out of your way to disrupt the player it should with out a doubt be much harsher. The fact that the NFL warned players and coaches like a month ago about just this thing.

Anybody that intentionally tries to hurt a player like that deserves whatever they get. It isn't my place to speculate what the NFL will do.

Do I think it was intentional? Honestly I'm torn. On one hand I think being semi out of control while running out of bounds might cause unintentional contact, and that I'm a person that would have tried to "cushion" the blow of someone potentially going to hit me even if he would have only come close to hitting me regardless of rules because it would be involuntary, but the more I watch the video the less I like that after the contact the Niner stepped forward like he meant to hurt the Seahawk player.

The Jets(?) incident seemed way more flagrant to me, but if the NFL decides to fine or even suspend the Niner who did this I would not feel the punishment was over the line. In the end what's important is if the player that got hit is OK. I mentioned on the Niners board I didn't even care about the game after Bowman got hurt because I would happily see Seattle win if it meant he was OK. In the same sentiment I hope your guy is fine.
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