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49er Trash on their sideline


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Jul 8, 2013
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God you Seahawks fans are full of shit you know that right? How the hell is this worse than what Tomlin did? Do you even know what the rule is, clearly you do not. Tomlin went into the playing field; he was inside of the 6’ boundary line. This play was off the field of play, outside of the boundary line that surrounds the field so I am sorry but this is not worse than what Tomlin did, and the 9ers will not lose a draft pick. Now, I do have to say that it appears that Lane was hit and that he did not step on the marker, but as long as they guy who hit him was a coach then we should be in the clear all except for maybe a tiny fine. If it was a player then that might be a different story as they are supposed to be an additional 9 feet back from the boundary line unless they are getting ready to come onto the field of play which clearly he was not.

Here is rule 13 Article 4 which states: All team personnel must observe the zone restrictions applicable to the bench area and the border rimming the playing field. The only persons permitted within the solid six-foot white border (1-1) while play is in progress on the field are game officials. For reasons involving the safety of participating players whose actions may carry them out of bounds, officials’ unobstructed coverage of the game, and spectators’ sightlines to the field, the border rules must be observed by all coaches and players in the bench area. Violators are subject to penalty by the officials.

So as long as they are where they are supposed to be on the sideline, you're saying that if a player runs through that area he is fair game to do whatever you want? The issue is not where the player or coach was standing.


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Apr 22, 2013
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But as a fan I don't want SF to lose a pick.

don't think you have to worry about that. I would think they would really only go that far if say a player on the sidelines ran onto the field of play and tackled someone that was going to score. The NFL has stated that such action ( losing a pick ) can happen but that would be the end all say all punishment and would need in my eyes a much bigger incident to justify such action.


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Aug 19, 2013
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Oh so you do not remember the strength coach that got a 1 year suspension and 100,000 dollar fine that "Wasn't on the field" maybe you should check your history on this subject before you spout off.


nice edit job, it didn't work. Had Lane ran into him then yeah no harm no foul this guy went out of his way to HIT lane a player that was INVOLVED with the action on the field.

Do you remember the Jets coach? Maybe you should go back and watch the play again. The Dolphins player was running ON the 6 FOOT Boundary line, NOT BEHIND IT. The Dolphins player was in his right to be on the line, the coach was not. This is the reason the JETS, not the NFL, fined and suspended the coach. And yes, I edited my last post so I would not have to add another post about the Jets coach. Maybe you should know the rules and the plays you are trying to reference before you run your mouth.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Do you remember the Jets coach? Maybe you should go back and watch the play again. The Dolphins player was running ON the 6 FOOT Boundary line, NOT BEHIND IT. The Dolphins player was in his right to be on the line, the coach was not. This is the reason the JETS, not the NFL, fined and suspended the coach. And yes, I edited my last post so I would not have to add another post about the Jets coach. Maybe you should know the rules and the plays you are trying to reference before you run your mouth.

i DO know the rules and maybe you should remember what board you are on and stop defending a action which is clearing against the rules. This person or player interfered with a player who was involved with the "play on the field" in bounds or out of bounds does not matter. Are you truly this ignorant? Oh wait you have proven repeatedly that you are.



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Aug 19, 2013
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So as long as they are where they are supposed to be on the sideline, you're saying that if a player runs through that area he is fair game to do whatever you want? The issue is not where the player or coach was standing.

No of course a player going into the sidelines is not fair game for dirty actions and if the NFL finds that this guy whoever he is is guilty then yes there should be a fine, but it will not be a large fine. To speculate that there is going to be a $100M fine and a loss of pick is idiotic, plain and simple. The Gunner is protected as long as he is with in the 6 foot boundary line which is why the Jets coach was suspended and fined by the Jets, not the NFL. Tomlin went beyond the boundary line and into the actual field of play hence his fine. Neither of these items happened in this incident, and you cannot speculate that an extremely unjust penalty will be levied against the 9ers in this case. The second Lane went beyond the boundary line then he we must expect some sort of collision accident could happen, but those are not necessarily punishable collisions. In the end would I be surprised that the NFL levies a fine against the 9ers, no of course not, do I think we are going to get a $100M fine, hell no, what chance do we have at losing a draft pick 0%.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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i DO know the rules and maybe you should remember what board you are on and stop defending a action which is clearing against the rules. This person or player interfered with a player who was involved with the "play on the field" in bounds or out of bounds does not matter. Are you truly this ignorant? Oh wait you have proven repeatedly that you are.


So if you know the rules, maybe, don't you think oh I don’t know that you should prove me wrong instead of running your mouth? Go find the NFL rulebook, read through the 100+ pages and find me the rule that covers this and prove me wrong, if you do I will tell you that I am wrong and that you are right, until then what the hell does it matter which board I am on, when you grossly misrepresent what happened not only in this case but the cases involving Tomlin and Alosi you are looking like a freaking fool, and I love calling out fools for what they are. There is 0% chance that the 9ers lose a draft pick, there MIGHT be a small fine but it will be nowhere close to the $100M fine that Tomlin received. So put your money where your mouth is and prove me wrong. And since I have not seen the NFL hand out any punishment in this case who can prove that is was actually interference? Once you go beyond the white boundary line you have to expect to get hit and the coach standing in that section has every right to stand there, and that goes for players that are 15 feet away from the field.


Jul 2, 2013
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Lol, loss of a draft pick? That won't be happening.

Moving on.


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Apr 21, 2013
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The truth is that none of us knows how the league is going to handle this. Obviously the first question they'll be asking is whether it was incidental contact or intentional contact. Based on the gif in this thread, it would be hard to make the argument for incidental contact and if that's the video they end up looking at, it should be obvious. If it is determined that it was intentional, the first thing the league is likely to do is come to the conclusion that a flag should have been thrown on the play. The next step is figuring out how to punish the person who did it. A fine of some sort seems likely, but nobody knows how big a fine it'll be and it really makes no sense to try to guess. Anything beyond a fine is just guessing at this point.


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I wouldn't have tried to make contact with Lane but if he were out of control on out of bounds and headed for me I probably would have rolled my shoulder into the guy to soften the blow myself. I can't say that the player was trying to do that but it's what I would have done. If he was trying to hit the guy he should be fined and suspended.


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Apr 18, 2013
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This makes some popcorn at Bowman by one guy or the Sherman comments look like mole hill's,there is no comparison.


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Apr 18, 2013
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How could anyone looking at it claim it was not intentional? it is plain as day.


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Apr 23, 2013
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And he hit him in the head. Big, big no, no in this league.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I watched this a hundred times and didn't see the guy do anything til I just noticed something. I had been focusing on the runner's feet and thought he just tripped/slid.

But you can clearly see the DE make contact and push his helmet around.

My only question is what favors this guy got from Harbaugh?

I'm kind of with you on this one, but I really wish there was a better camera angle of it. I kept thinking he tripped or slipped on the yard marker too, but the dude does appear to lift up his body and move forward as Lane is going past so it is at least highly likely.

As for Harbaugh not seeing it? Wow. If that's really his response I have no idea how any 9'er fan can look at that video of him following it only a couple of feet from him and not call out their coach. That's a total douche bag kind of thing right there.


Polite as fuck.
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'm kind of with you on this one, but I really wish there was a better camera angle of it. I kept thinking he tripped or slipped on the yard marker too, but the dude does appear to lift up his body and move forward as Lane is going past so it is at least highly likely.

As for Harbaugh not seeing it? Wow. If that's really his response I have no idea how any 9'er fan can look at that video of him following it only a couple of feet from him and not call out their coach. That's a total douche bag kind of thing right there.

Yeah, you'd be pretty dense not to see him watch the entire thing unfold as he then casually (with zero urgency) takes one step back, presumably to avoid getting hit. It's just so nonchalant. Almost like he was expecting someone to push Lane out of the way for him. ALMOST! I am in no way saying it was premeditated!! None. Zero! It just looks weird. No Tomlin olé dance, no Harbaugh ballerina twirl, nothing.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I love all the 9'er fans up here defending this under the guise that he was beyond the stripe so he wasn't as protected. I'm sure you are still the same fans on about popcorn falling on bowman as he was leaving right? I mean all of Seattle is full of thugs and classless fans because one guy tossed popcorn and yet your team is above reproach when some inactive player hits a seahawk in a live play. My god some of you have selective moral outrage. Just freaking amazing.

Watch the video again. The player in question is behind the yard marker as Lane approaches and is moving forward during the contact with him and lands farther forward after contact. If one is bracing themselves for impact they would not be moving into that contact and still moving forward through it. That's not how you soften a blow.

Just freaking amazing how far up your rear end some of your heads really are.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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Being it was the NFC Championship a fine will not suffice MORE is going to have to happen on this.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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That is a bit better of a view. Seems kind of clear he hits him on that one. Wonder how many other views are out there for the league. Dude is going to be fined and suspended for sure.

People are saying he is a strength coach,more than a fine will be needed to affect the team.