UK Cowboy
Happy Father's Day T-Roy
The more you can attend his lessons, the better. No one will ever study hid swing as much as you will, so the more you learn, the better. Remember, the quieter and simpler, the better. College scouts tell me the undisputed biggest mistake kids make is not being ready to much but wiggling, late loading. Next is hitting around the ball, trying to pull the ball instead of keeping their hands in and driving it where it was pitchedNice... I was watching a lot of his "free" stuff... It looks really good but wasn't sure if it was stuff I could do by myself lol... I was planning on the once a month one... Maybe 2-3 months and just go from there... I thought Dash first since he had more to learn so I'd get more info... I think I'll do it and see... There's a double play academy and an ex-pro, both charge $150 for 5 sessions but you have to pay for the 5 sessions... I'll do it tonight and see what the turnaround is and let you know what it looks like...