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34-64-94 MLB Draft : CHAT


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Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I've been in probably 30 - 40 street fights, none in 15+ years. But in the area I grew up in it was a big time hockey area, there were 5 high schools all within about a 20 mile radius and there were always pick up games, well one day when I was about 17 I believe I just happened to beat the chit out of a kid that was known to be the toughest at one of the other schools, when that happens people come looking for you to fight, so alot of my fights were because of that first fight. I was knocked down once and that was actually by a close friend who thought I was messing with his wife (which I wasnt) he sucker punched me at a party, I jumped up to go after him but there was like 30 people out in the yard that day so it was stopped before it started. He later told me he hit me harder than anyone he had ever punched before because he didn't want me to get back up and fight. He at the time was probably 6'2 230. i've had my share of busted up faces but I cant honestly say I lost more than 1 fight in my life and probably 1 tie, not that im tough or anything its just that I can take a punch real well and I dont give up. I believe that is the key to being a good street fighter, if you can take punches without losing your focus you have a very good chance at winning, just my two cents.

Yup I've got a buddy that I've witnessed over the years just rock people's world and these weren't always 1 on 1. Not even big he was just fuckin nuts and never got phased. That's always the risk of getting in a fight, you never truly know the lunatic you are dealing with.


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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WLK has been texted


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yup I've got a buddy that I've witnessed over the years just rock people's world and these weren't always 1 on 1. Not even big he was just fuckin nuts and never got phased. That's always the risk of getting in a fight, you never truly know the lunatic you are dealing with.

Actually Hockey knows the 5 schools I was talking about. Mahtomedi, North St. Paul, White Bear Lake, Hill Murray, Stillwater...


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yup I've got a buddy that I've witnessed over the years just rock people's world and these weren't always 1 on 1. Not even big he was just fuckin nuts and never got phased. That's always the risk of getting in a fight, you never truly know the lunatic you are dealing with.

I work as one on one for a 9yr old that is 4 ft tall and wants to fight everyone. He went against a high school kid that was 6'3 200+. Just like you said Hockey size doesn't matter when the person is crazy. I'm more afraid of a Chihuahua then a Mastiff. Those small dogs will tear you up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Actually Hockey knows the 5 schools I was talking about. Mahtomedi, North St. Paul, White Bear Lake, Hill Murray, Stillwater...

Which school hosted that top dog you knocked on his ass? Lol


Me and the guys
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Pick is in...


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I work as one on one for a 9yr old that is 4 ft tall and wants to fight everyone. He went against a high school kid that was 6'3 200+. Just like you said Hockey size doesn't matter when the person is crazy. I'm more afraid of a Chihuahua then a Mastiff. Those small dogs will tear you up.

And god forbid you pick a fight with a kid that you view as an easy target only to find out he's some amazing wrestler or 6 time black belt or some shit.

Not many times you know exactly what the other person is capable of.

Always a joy to watch though.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Which school hosted that top dog you knocked on his ass? Lol

White Bear Lake, it's actually funny because I seen him at a party like a year or so after that happened and we ended up becoming friends.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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And god forbid you pick a fight with a kid that you view as an easy target only to find out he's some amazing wrestler or 6 time black belt or some shit.

Not many times you know exactly what the other person is capable of.

Always a joy to watch though.

For me it's the guys that don't talk fighting or don't brag on themselves that you gotta watch out for, the guys who think they are tough or run their mouth are the easiest to beat.


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
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I am 30 years old, and I never got into a real fight... This is my AA Meeting... Maybe I should get into a fight...

Its very surprising, because as some of you know, I can be a pretty big dick...
I'm kinda surprised nobody has ever given you a knuckle sandwich.

No offense, I've eaten plenty of em. And unlike Ritz, I fall from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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For me it's the guys that don't talk fighting or don't brag on themselves that you gotta watch out for, the guys who think they are tough or run their mouth are the easiest to beat.

That's actually so many times true. Basically how my buddy was. So often he would literally give the other person a chance to just drop it and move on. But if the other person is gonna keep pushing to throw down, not gonna pass it up lol.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dumbest fight instigator I've ever seen was actually two months ago. Some dumbass packer fan(early 20s) picked a fight with FOUR Vikings fans(also the same age range) outside after the Walsh missed FG. As if he thought fellow early 20s guys would allow for a fair fight. He was one of the two actually arrested as well lol

So this dude...paid money to go to a game in -6 degree weather that his own team wasn't even playing in, got his ass beat and got arrested. Safe to assume his parents kicked him out of the house the moment he turned 18.


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'm kinda surprised nobody has ever given you a knuckle sandwich.

No offense, I've eaten plenty of em. And unlike Ritz, I fall from time to time.

Ive been knocked out in these mock draft playoffs way to often but never fallen in real life. I remember clearly my senior year in HS and walking the hall when I get shoved hard. I look and to myself I say ahh Fuck. It was the school bully. A football player who also was a mechanic so this guys fist was just a huge ball. Well I did something stupid which no one ever did. I pushed him back. I'm sorry I am not going to let anyone punk me. Well we got each other in head locks and went around a few times until we separated. I turned around towards him and wham I got clocked right into my eye. He threw my head back and got me dizzy for a second. He then yelled "you want some more". I replied "no you are a psycho". I walked down the hallway and kids were staring at me for some reason. Then I see something go past my eye, then more and more. I touch my eye and I look at my hand and its covered in blood. Well 10 stitches later under my eyebrow and today I got a cool scar. Chicks dig scars. Ps. My parents sued his family for the hospital bill and we won. Didn't ask for any extra money more then the what the bill was like some pussys claiming emotional stress.


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Dumbest fight instigator I've ever seen was actually two months ago. Some dumbass packer fan(early 20s) picked a fight with FOUR Vikings fans(also the same age range) outside after the Walsh missed FG. As if he thought fellow early 20s guys would allow for a fair fight. He was one of the two actually arrested as well lol

So this dude...paid money to go to a game in -6 degree weather that his own team wasn't even playing in, got his ass beat and got arrested. Safe to assume his parents kicked him out of the house the moment he turned 18.

So, in other words a typical Packers fan? No offense 500, yer not from Sconi...


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Got a question for you gentlemen mostly the ones in a long marriage. Been married to a wonderful wife for 6yrs come April. Well she has gained some pounds this past year. Now do I say anything or keep my mouth shut so I don't get finally punched where I fall down? Maybe I suggest that I join her gym and we could go together so it sounds like I'm interested in my body and not worrying about hers. It's a very touchy subject. I remember when we first got married she asked me would you ever tell me if you noticed me getting fat? I said hell no I wouldn't. God I don't know what to do. She goes through fazes of different things with trying to lose weight but never sticks with any of it. Gym, pills, weird diets, ecteria. Being a nurse and here weird long hours doesn't help so the many monster drinks to stay awake and midnight candy/snack cravings doesn't help the situation. I can't buy myself snacks for the house because she will eat them. Now for the record she isn't obese she is only 160lbs and 5"7 but has gained guessing 20-40lbs since marriage. Thoughts?

Pack 500

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
Newton, NJ
Hoopla Cash
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Got a question for you gentlemen mostly the ones in a long marriage. Been married to a wonderful wife for 6yrs come April. Well she has gained some pounds this past year. Now do I say anything or keep my mouth shut so I don't get finally punched where I fall down? Maybe I suggest that I join her gym and we could go together so it sounds like I'm interested in my body and not worrying about hers. It's a very touchy subject. I remember when we first got married she asked me would you ever tell me if you noticed me getting fat? I said hell no I wouldn't. God I don't know what to do. She goes through fazes of different things with trying to lose weight but never sticks with any of it. Gym, pills, weird diets, ecteria. Being a nurse and here weird long hours doesn't help so the many monster drinks to stay awake and midnight candy/snack cravings doesn't help the situation. I can't buy myself snacks for the house because she will eat them. Now for the record she isn't obese she is only 160lbs and 5"7 but has gained guessing 20-40lbs since marriage. Thoughts?

Not married but saying something will probably ruin your life :suds:


Banned in Europe
Apr 19, 2013
Almost Paradise
Hoopla Cash
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Maybe ask her to go for walks from time to time.

But DO NOT mention weight gain. (I'm common law. 10 blissful years of cohabitation just this month.)

Otherwise, been great knowing you my friend.

(I got her a FitBit for Christmas. Went to a dozen stores. Wasted like half a day of my life. She wore it for like 3days. "My blood pressure is too high, I'll wear it once it's lower." Wtf?)


RIP WLK Loving father, husband, & friend to ALL
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I agree I'll just shut my mouth