We are...Penn State
It took a little bit. I had to write down the positions and teams I needed. Go through and rank players by position on the teams I need to fill. Then run through the team lists to see who was available then run through the draft teams to see who couldn't be picked because tbe team or position was already selected. I still have a few who may be picked but ran a back up selection and potential change of direction. It was actually a lot of fun
You just shot up the list IMO with the Moon pick WLK...
Man I wish I'd have done that... That's the perfect system for this specific draft... Cuts out most surprises and gives you a great advantage in that sense... With school out all 3 kids are home and the wife works from home, the bathroom and 3:00am are the only times I can be on here for at least 45min straight...
Being up with the kids sick and watching them is what fave me the time. They are a better now but it was like the sick ward for a while. I watched them while she slept
Wow we barely got through anything today lol
Nos is OTC and Trojan can also pick. Lets get a few picks in today please.
Wamu must make a new selection and drop either Kevin Greene or Greg Olsen you have them both listed as Carolina. Unless you would like to change one of them to another team.
Dammit my bad! How about Mark Bavaro- TE- N.Y. football Giants?
Good call. Teams are rounding into shape. Nice pick by you with Mario.
Thanks very few Texan players available and only a few of us took a Texan so I felt now was the time to do it.