DC sports are cursed

I enjoy listening to John Walton call Caps game winning goals.
Ribeiro leaves the Rangers feeling blue, 2-1 in OT
especially overtime playoff goals. The one in game 7 vs Boston last year...oh boy
Watching the replay this morning because I missed the game last night.
Honestly, what the fuck is with the reffing in this series? I don't like to complain about it, but it's been so strongly in the Rags favor it's a little fucking ridiculous. Obvious trips and holds being let go for the Rangers for several games now while we get questionable calls at times (the 5 on 3 for example).
Overall, I'll think we've been the better team and generally had an advantage on puck possession this series. Usually that team gets more calls by the very nature of how penalties occur. Despite this, here is the PP breakdown...
Game 5 - Rangers 4, Caps 2
Game 4 - Rangers 4, Caps 2
Game 3 - Rangers 6, Caps 3
Game 2 - Rangers 3, Caps 2
Game 1 - Caps 5, Rangers 4
After game 1 which was dominated in every facet by the Caps, the Rangers have a 17-9 advantage in PPs. That is ridiculous. The Rags are a savvy team and they don't take a lot of penalties, but the refs have missed some obvious trips and holds at times. They have to do better. If this series had been reffed properly/fairly, it would already be over.
I may have drank a bit too much last night. My metro ride home at 7am almost went horribly wrong.
However, we fucking won, I got a MCD sausage biscuit that was extra greasy And passed out. Much better.
Life is good!!!!!![]()
The rags & pens always get the calls
I may have drank a bit too much last night. My metro ride home at 7am almost went horribly wrong.
However, we fucking won, I got a MCD sausage biscuit that was extra greasy And passed out. Much better.
Life is good!!!!!![]()
It could have been very horribly bad, you're lucky you didn't shit yourself.
Oh I brought it home before I ate it. I am confident, not cocky.
I also just ran about 5 miles and lifted weights. The people around me had to smell the whiskey, but fuck em. It's the best cure for a hangover. Sweat it out. I feel great now.
I wish it was cooler. I was just battling a hangover after sleeping on a couch for like 5 hours and got on the metro at 7am. Well, it is "Race for the Cure" day so for the first few stops, I was surrounded by a sea of bright pink and had these two like 12 year old girls sitting right in front of me with their Mom next to me and she was......hefty and creeping into my space. Add in the fact that I was in a backward facing seat and already get car sick. I just imagined vomiting whiskey and pancakes and eggs (yes we cooked that at 1am because of course we did) on these poor little girls and their Mom.
I got through though. They were only on for like 5 stops.