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2021 season


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Aug 29, 2017
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Lol. So much for the theory that Winston and the Saints were next level. Just another reason why GB will struggle this year. Until the shit show in mgt changes we will continue to get much of the same.

My new prediction: Rodgers will get hurt and be put on IR for the year and no longer play for the Packers. Book it!


Jul 10, 2014
Oshkosh, WI
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Lol. So much for the theory that Winston and the Saints were next level. Just another reason why GB will struggle this year. Until the shit show in mgt changes we will continue to get much of the same.

My new prediction: Rodgers will get hurt and be put on IR for the year and no longer play for the Packers. Book it!

This is a chat I had with my brother on August 30th:


Damn, did I nail that prediction!?!

That said, I don't think week 1 is completely indicative of the entire season. It was a perfect storm of the Packers being out of practice & overconfident versus a Saints team already having put in some work with a lot to prove plus some bonus circumstantial mojo. Now that the Packers have been bitch slapped hard in week 1, I think we're going to see a better product tonight.


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Aug 29, 2017
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This is a chat I had with my brother on August 30th:

View attachment 280376

Damn, did I nail that prediction!?!

That said, I don't think week 1 is completely indicative of the entire season. It was a perfect storm of the Packers being out of practice & overconfident versus a Saints team already having put in some work with a lot to prove plus some bonus circumstantial mojo. Now that the Packers have been bitch slapped hard in week 1, I think we're going to see a better product tonight.
Damn Bro! You did nail it! No pre season snaps for the starters is one of many reasons why I think some of the mgt has to go. I get more of a sense of cockiness than confidence from the entire organization. Rodger’s comment about going up and down the field on the Saints is a good example of the cockiness I’m talking about. Question I have is…did Brady and the Buc starters play in pre season?

GB should bounce back against the lions but if they don’t…

Until I see otherwise, I’m holding onto the opinion the defense will be worse this year than last. The Barry hiring, no improvement in the linebacker position, getting smoked by Jameis Winston etc etc


He's no good to me dead!
Mar 22, 2011
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The defense was much better in the second half once Lafleur told Barry to do something, silly that the HC had to tell the DC to make adjustments at halftime of game 2.


Jul 10, 2014
Oshkosh, WI
Hoopla Cash
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Until I see otherwise, I’m holding onto the opinion the defense will be worse this year than last.
I'm 100% with you here. Through the first half of last night's game, the defense looked utterly uninspired and disgustingly passive. Lions were at 1st & 25 and almost got a first down. When Barry finally dialed up a blitz on 3rd down is when I saw a glimmer of hope. From that point on, the D looked like they actually kinda wanted to play football.


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Aug 29, 2017
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I'm 100% with you here. Through the first half of last night's game, the defense looked utterly uninspired and disgustingly passive. Lions were at 1st & 25 and almost got a first down. When Barry finally dialed up a blitz on 3rd down is when I saw a glimmer of hope. From that point on, the D looked like they actually kinda wanted to play football.
The defense was much better in the second half once Lafleur told Barry to do something, silly that the HC had to tell the DC to make adjustments at halftime of game 2.
It doesn't help that the only playmaker on the defense is Alexander and with Z Smith on IR there was little to no pass rush specially in the 1st half. I've said this a million times but we will see no change in the outcome this season if the defense doesn't step up. Rodgers will get them in the playoffs but if the D cant help win a game when Rodgers is struggling then it will be another disappointing year. Its been like the movie Groundhog day in the playoffs for the past couple of years, the offense struggles but the defense struggles even more.

I put the blame on the lack luster defense squarely on mgt. How the f*#k do you hire a DC that has been historically bad on 3rd down? Not only that, how do you draft defense heavy for several years and still not be in the top ten? I'll tell you how, piss poor decisions by the people making them in the Packer organization.

Side note: i'm leaning towards the Gary pick as a bust...good job GB.


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Aug 29, 2017
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Just watched the Lions game…the defense has a long way to go. Not one 3 and out, not good. Unless a light switch comes on…well let’s just say it doesn’t look promising.

The one and only positive thing I saw was Stokes looks like he might be a keeper.


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Aug 27, 2011
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With the extra game this season and the extra playoff team, I believe it would be smart to play lots of guys and try to keep key players healthy and fresh.... I think you want one of the top 2 seeds, but going all out for all 17 might not be the smartest move... no gas in the tank in Jan means a long off season. That stated, they need to keep tinkering with the D and figure something out to get them off the field on 3rd down...if they can't figure it out, we'll be watching other teams after week 1 of the playoffs


Jul 10, 2014
Oshkosh, WI
Hoopla Cash
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Side note: i'm leaning towards the Gary pick as a bust...good job GB.
He was drafted young and raw. The plan all along was to give him some development time while he rotates in behind the Smiths. Yeah, he's on year #3 now - which is when you should expect your first rounders be making an impact, but I think your 'bust' call is still a tick premature. We're two games into a season where the entire team didn't show up for week 1 and he lead the team in QB pressures against DET. Let's give him a few more starts before we start throwing white towels at him.


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Aug 29, 2017
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He was drafted young and raw. The plan all along was to give him some development time while he rotates in behind the Smiths. Yeah, he's on year #3 now - which is when you should expect your first rounders be making an impact, but I think your 'bust' call is still a tick premature. We're two games into a season where the entire team didn't show up for week 1 and he lead the team in QB pressures against DET. Let's give him a few more starts before we start throwing white towels at him.
Noted. But I think you are being to lenient. Ok, gotta see more production out of him this year or…specially since Z Smith is out he should take advantage.

The defense this year has not started out very well and I truly believe it’s lack of playmakers due to shitty decisions by the Organization but…Maybe a diamond in the ruff will emerge…who knows.

Saw this article today



Jul 10, 2014
Oshkosh, WI
Hoopla Cash
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Saw this article today

I wasn't all that pleased that they re-signed King, but I didn't hate it either. It was only a 1-year deal, he was already familiar with the Packers and there wasn't much of anything on the open market that was clearly better. I figured it would be better than bringing in some undrafted rookie to replace him.

Two games in, I'm leaning towards an undrafted free agent might've been better. King has made it abundantly clear that he can't man up on quick receivers and he gets easily lost in zones. I think the only thing he might be somewhat useful for is manning up on tight ends.


Jul 10, 2014
Oshkosh, WI
Hoopla Cash
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SF 38
GB 17
I had a similar expectation. I'm glad we were wrong.

Last night's game was strange. The field was littered in yellow from the zebras - who were inconsistent and ambiguous with their calls. The Packers defense didn't really do anything; it was more the SF offense screwing up that ended drives. The SF D didn't really do a whole lot either - which was a bit surprising. SF certainly didn't play their best game last night, but neither did GB. Neither team really deserved to win.

Regarding officiating, the game reaffirmed my two greatest desires in the adjustment of officiating:
1. Get a couple officials in a booth that are hot mic'ed to the guys on the field as part of the officiating team. If there's something clearly missed or wrong, the booth officials can throw or pick up a flag through the head official. If a PI flag was clearly and definitively NOT PI, the booth official should tell the head official to pick up the flag. If a helmet-to-helmet hit was not detected by the officials on the field, but emphatically obvious to the booth officials, call the penalty.
2. PI should not be a spot foul. Coaches and players of both sides quickly caught onto the flag-happy refs and started heaving deep balls with hopes that they'd get free 40-yard chunks of field possession. And it worked. That's shitty football.


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Aug 29, 2017
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I had a similar expectation. I'm glad we were wrong.

Last night's game was strange. The field was littered in yellow from the zebras - who were inconsistent and ambiguous with their calls. The Packers defense didn't really do anything; it was more the SF offense screwing up that ended drives. The SF D didn't really do a whole lot either - which was a bit surprising. SF certainly didn't play their best game last night, but neither did GB. Neither team really deserved to win.

Regarding officiating, the game reaffirmed my two greatest desires in the adjustment of officiating:
1. Get a couple officials in a booth that are hot mic'ed to the guys on the field as part of the officiating team. If there's something clearly missed or wrong, the booth officials can throw or pick up a flag through the head official. If a PI flag was clearly and definitively NOT PI, the booth official should tell the head official to pick up the flag. If a helmet-to-helmet hit was not detected by the officials on the field, but emphatically obvious to the booth officials, call the penalty.
2. PI should not be a spot foul. Coaches and players of both sides quickly caught onto the flag-happy refs and started heaving deep balls with hopes that they'd get free 40-yard chunks of field possession. And it worked. That's shitty football.
Flags were flying for sure specially in the second half. Some were warranted, others were not. i agree about having an official in the booth. I thought one of the PI calls against Adams was a bad call but then so was the PI call against Stokes. The Homer in me thinks the refs were doing everything they could to give SF the win last night. No call on intentionally grounding, Phantom PI call on Stokes, tripping call on Amos, no call on Adams helmet to helmet, roughing the passer call on Alexander. GB got some calls their way as well but it definitely favored SF.

Over all i thought the defense did a decent job. i dont know if thats because it was against Garrapolo or someone lit a fire underneath their collective arses. True, Garrapolo and the offense didnt look very sharp but you have to give the Packers D a little credit. They actually got some pressure and sacks which i didnt expect since it was non existent the previous 2 games. The other pleasant surprise was they looked less confused and were in position to make some plays for the most part. Campbell was all over the field making some nice plays which i havent seen from a linebacker in a long time. A little concerning was Alexander not playing very well. I thought he had too many passes caught against him.

Last but not least. Once again the special teams reared its ugly head. Not sure what the stat is or if there is a stat but GB has an uncanny knack of letting teams score right before halftime. Case in point, GB marches down the field and scores a TD with less than 2 minutes before the half. Kicks off to SF and they end up running back to about GB's 30 yd line. A few plays later and SF is on the board. I think Crosby needs to just focus on kicking to the back of the endzone so there isnt a return.

pretty close
Right? lol.
Jul 9, 2013
North of Patagonia / South of Iguazu Falls
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Noted. But I think you are being to lenient. Ok, gotta see more production out of him this year or…specially since Z Smith is out he should take advantage.

The defense this year has not started out very well and I truly believe it’s lack of playmakers due to shitty decisions by the Organization but…Maybe a diamond in the ruff will emerge…who knows.

Saw this article today

Great win for the Packers.

Regarding article:
- Definitely miss Z. Smith as article points out
- Arrow definitely pointing up for Stokes right now... at some point I assume he will start. One PI call was bogus.. the other 50/50.. but loved that he was like a blanket on that play
- Did not and still do not understand the Berry DC hire

Defense does have room for improvement:
- Was expecting more from Gary in 3rd year
- Do like Campbell at LB
- Barnes I hope is not injury prone... Summers for me is too slow if have to count on him in early downs

Hopefully still learning a bit with new system and defense will come around more.


Jul 10, 2014
Oshkosh, WI
Hoopla Cash
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Side note: i'm leaning towards the Gary pick as a bust...good job GB.

- Was expecting more from Gary in 3rd year

Your disappointment in Gary seems to be working... Yesterday he had 6 tackles (1 for loss), 1 sack, 2 QB hits. ...Keep shitting on him and he might end up making the Pro Bowl!...


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Aug 29, 2017
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Your disappointment in Gary seems to be working... Yesterday he had 6 tackles (1 for loss), 1 sack, 2 QB hits. ...Keep shitting on him and he might end up making the Pro Bowl!...
Reverse Psychology bro. Im just providing a motivation service. ;) Seriously, i can only be pleasantly surprised on his performance so far. Hopefully he keeps it up. Coming out of college there were people saying he was lazy. If he continues to perform he will prove all the nay say-ers wrong.
Jul 9, 2013
North of Patagonia / South of Iguazu Falls
Hoopla Cash
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Good win for Packers... impressed with OL and running game, was very effective. Cobb had a big game, especially on 3rd down.

Defense very impressive on 4th downs and getting off the field. Gary did play well, hopefully it continues until Z. Smith returns.

Alexander injury could be a big one.