Shit ballots like this drive me mad
Out of curiosity, what would you do different than this ballot?
I don’t agree with the ballot (almost top-to-bottom), but nothing really pisses me off about it.Shit ballots like this drive me mad
I don’t agree with the ballot (almost top-to-bottom), but nothing really pisses me off about it.
The only names he includes that I would seriously consider for my ballot are Kent and Rivera and only he includes that I 100% would NOT include is Edgar. But that is where opinion and argument enter the discussion.
Basically, as long as you are somewhat consistent with your arguments, I am AOK with your vote.
First and foremost, vote for 10 players. Like, oh I don’t know, any one of the SP’s on the ballot worthy of induction.
Sure. I agree. But at least he isn’t splitting Bonds/Clemens or not voting for either of them while still voting for Sosa.I'd say putting Wagner before Halladay is pretty ridiculous...
I don't care if they use 10 or not. If you don't have 10 qualified candidates then don't put 10 votes.
That being said, Halladay and Mussina for sure should get votes. That still only leaves 8. Rolen for 9.
Tejada is worthy, but some people think when they are not a slam dunk they should not get in on the 1st ballot.
There are times when there are absolutely not 10 worthy candidates. This isn’t one of those times.
But apparently based on this guy’s voting history he is a small hall guy who favors closers and only votes for SP’s who are virtual locks.
If Baines is a HOFer, I am actually rather optimistic about MY chances.Based on the new Baines standard everyone on the ballot is over qualified
Tejada a:Tejada had a 108 OPS+, played crappy defense and hit into a ton of double plays. Still a very good hitter by shortstop standards, but I don't think it's enough to put him in the HOF. That MVP was also very questionable, I don't think he was even the best shortstop in the AL nevermind the best player.
2002 Awards Voting |
I would be OK with his induction into the HOVG, but I think he is still on the fence for that.Harsh on Baines. I don't think he's a HoFer. He's definitely in the Hall of Very Good. .289 BA, OPS+ of 121, 384 HR, 2,866 hits. Good player.
Ahhh, the small hall guy who votes for closers, like the vegan who eats fried chicken on the weekends.There are times when there are absolutely not 10 worthy candidates. This isn’t one of those times.
But apparently based on this guy’s voting history he is a small hall guy who favors closers and only votes for SP’s who are virtual locks.
would NOT include is Edgar.
Would absolutely INCLUDE the Greatest RH hitter of all time. (ok, top 5)
Are you discounting the D?
Based on the new Baines standard everyone on the ballot is over qualified