Proof is in the results.
Proof is in the results.
Ohio guy talking about. NFL QB that's rich. That school is the biggest losers for NFL And. So Sami. Just STFU. Plraseeerr. You just dropped down to old iffy fag level
Jimbo 6 million a year.
Urban 3 mil a year.
Love it. Love it
"Yeah, he gets his ass kicked by Urban, but he's much more expensive."
Only in doug's mind is this something to brag about.
What odds will Vegas give the browns win a game this year????
Or..matbe next year????
Iffy says they are good team.
I guess iffy didn't crunch the numbers about getting trade papers to league office in timeDoug runs and hides.
Can't find any place where I said the Browns are a good team, huh doug?
You just made up a lie using that feeble brain.
Brown's. Now Presley. Every time you start to try to act like you know some thing...you look even dumber. Just like wamu.
1957 bawwwwwhhaawwww