"Pat Riley has Clearly lost his fastball"-WiggyRuss
im not saying they necesarily suck - im saying that as the team is presently constituted- it does not have enough talent to be a legitimate threat- and to just keep THIS team together will take up a quite a bit of any open cap room the Heat will derive from the subtraction of Bosh.lol, he's STILL trying to talk like the Heat suck, huh...?
How many characters can your sig be? Mine is starting to get full
do you think he remembers where those rings are or do you think the Alzheimer has set in?
do you think he remembers where those rings are or do you think the Alzheimer has set in?
i mean-- just saying- with DURANt out- if Olynk was on the Warriors he would have to be your best player over 6'9" by a fair margin. does itreal ly surprise you he beat up on Javale Mcgee and zaza pachulia and david west?Man that game was frustrating to watch last night. As much as I wanted to blame the Warriors for the loss (which is obvious knee jerk reaction), the Celtics just out played them. Boston's second unit was awesome. I mean when you let Olynk kick your ass up and down the court, then you're probably not going to win. The Warriors big were pretty useless last night. Zaza, Javale, DWest. There wasn't one who did a decent job.
Celtics are tough man. Their defense is great, coaching is great and they have heart. Warriors could learn a thing or two from them.
guys arent gonna give up that desigantedpl ayer extension...its GROSSLY ridiculous how much he gets paid under it---plus- dude.....you telling me i can get paid a TON more money to stay in LA where i have set down roots for years, or take tens of millions less to go to Texas?
Man that game was frustrating to watch last night. As much as I wanted to blame the Warriors for the loss (which is obvious knee jerk reaction), the Celtics just out played them. Boston's second unit was awesome. I mean when you let Olynk kick your ass up and down the court, then you're probably not going to win. The Warriors big were pretty useless last night. Zaza, Javale, DWest. There wasn't one who did a decent job.
Celtics are tough man. Their defense is great, coaching is great and they have heart. Warriors could learn a thing or two from them.
its of course about the money- i mean if he REALLY wanted a title and valued that- why not take the league min. and go play with LeBROnDepends on how badly he wants a ring and whether or not he thinks he can get one with the Clippers. I get how much more money he can make. But what is he going to be able to afford on his next contract that he can't on his current one, plus what he's already been paid?
Imo, if he decides to stay with the Clippers, it will likely be because he honestly believes they can win a title (which is doubtful without some kind of significant move) or because he is just about the money. If he truly wants to win, his best bet would be to go to the Spurs. It's not like he couldn't afford to keep his place in LA while in San Antonio so that he can return there in the off season and stay permanently when he retires.
And you better check with Kyrie and make sure he knows where his ring is at, faggot probably thinks the aliens stole it when they probed his asshole or something.
its of course about the money- i mean if he REALLY wanted a title and valued that- why not take the league min. and go play with LeBROn
- as you said- if he never made another dollar in the NBA he would still be set for life.
it comes down to ego- and dollars and a chance at winning. Its a balance....if it was just about winning- he wouldnt sign with the Spurs either- why not take a league min. and go play with the Warriors or Cavs?
Ill guarantee you Dwayne Wade would have preffered cleveland over chicago this offseason- but Chicago could pay him the most.
guys typically do NOT give up significant dollars....pretty much never.