Black Adam
Cowards WILL BE cowards..
I'm actually going to Miami this weekend, leaving tomorrow after work, going to be a shit show.
lol ok ok, who do I wire your bail money to...?

I'm actually going to Miami this weekend, leaving tomorrow after work, going to be a shit show.
Deng, Mozgov and Clarkson are each signed for 3 more years.PG will be in a Lakers uni soon, and Cousins after that, plus Lonzo and then you got the Snitch and Ingram.
lol ok ok, who do I wire your bail money to...?![]()
Deng, Mozgov and Clarkson are each signed for 3 more years.
The cap is expected to be about 103M next year.
Those 3 combined make 46M for the next 3 years. Almost HALF of your payroll is tied up in Luol Deng, Timo Mozgov and Jordan Clarkson for the next 3 years.
This offseason? if Paul George was a free agent (which he isnt)- even if he wanted to go to the Lakers they dont have enough room to sign him a max contract.
and going forward- Russell and Randle will be eligible for extensions where their contracts will jump from between 5-8 million a year to between AT LEAST 14-18M a year.
Its just simple math here man.
Magic inherited a clusterfuck.
At least he has that slimeball Pelinka to help him out---
I've never been to jail
last time I was picked up by a cop was for drunk and disorderly and I ended up talking her down, and she just gave me a ride home, because I"m fucking smooth with the black chicks.
And I've talked myself out of a few DUI's, one was really really really really really bad, I should have went to jail, but the cops let me walk home, good people.
most people dont like hearing the details when it totally blows up their argument. Its easy to just whitewash over them.Stop writing me novels, I don't give a fuck
most people dont like hearing the details when it totally blows up their argument. Its easy to just whitewash over them.
Stop writing me novels, I don't give a fuck
Are the Lakers gonna go after the Clippers' FA this summer?
lol...the more thing change the more they stay the same.You were talking to me like I was a Lakers fan, "your payroll"
Fuck you, and fuck the Lakers, and I'll be extremely happy when LeBron's goofy ass either leaves Cleveland or retries and you can go back to being a Oklahoma City fan you bandwagon fucking homo
most people dont like hearing the details when it totally blows up their argument. Its easy to just Whiteside over them.
lol...the more thing change the more they stay the same.
when you are beat- you just revert back to personal insults
reminds me of a portion of a brief our managing partner just wrote quoted from a movie.
"If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”
You were talking to me like I was a Lakers fan, "your payroll"
Fuck you, and fuck the Lakers, and I'll be extremely happy when LeBron's goofy ass either leaves Cleveland or retries and you can go back to being a Oklahoma City fan you bandwagon fucking homo
they dont even have enough cap room to sign one of those guys to a max unless they got rid of a couple guys.Are the Lakers gonna go after the Clippers' FA this summer?
quite honestly it's not as bad imo as Wiggy wants everyone to believe. I mean, it ain't like blowing your roll for one ring or anything...
i think thats true to a certain extent- but no matter how persuasive magic is- no one with multiple options is going there until they show they can compete. As currently constructed- i dont see that happening for the near-term future.And there's not facts against me, I said people want to play for the Lakers, especially now that Kobe's gone and Magic is there.
You say they're in deep shit and he inherited a mess, we won't know the truth until this off season.
Oh, I heard that LeBron found the fountain of youth and the Cavs are title contenders for the next 5-7 years.