Nanook of the North
Damn. That's some crazy shit.Wasn't that hard. It's easily the longest losing streak by a team that won 104 games. 4 other teams are tied for 2nd with 6-game losing streaks:
1976 Reds (108 Wins)
1946 Red Sox (104 Wins)
1939 Yankees (106 Wins)
1904 Giants (106 Wins)
OK. Here are some more. Albert Pujols drove in 100+ runs with a .672 OPS. Has there ever been a 100-RBI guy with a lower OPS.
Part 2: Pujols only had 40 extra base hits. Which 100 RBI guy had the fewest extra base hits?
Part 3: Which 100-RBI guy had the lowest batting average. I think it was Tony Armas but I'm not sure.