Rock Strongo
My mind spits with an enormous kickback.
hottest female, female athlete...ever?

one of a kind 1969 Ferrari Daytona was sold at auction over the weekend. It had been sitting in a barn in Japan since 1980.
2.17 mil
all aluminum body
assolutelypaige spirnanc or whatever @Rock Strongo ?
ANY parts store will test your alternator, starter and battery for free. Or, If you have a multimeter, you can easily check it yourself.
-Set meter to DC volts
-without car running, touch meter red lead to + post of battery and black lead to - battery post.
you should have between 12-12.8 volts
-with car running do the same as above
you should have increased voltage 13.8 - 15.5 volts
Astros bullpen really shit the bed in getting swept by the As.
Gave up 29 runs over 4 games.
In 1 game, they walked in 5 runs.
Hopefully they just took the weekend off.
interesting map. mass has had more hurricanes than NJ, RI, and NY...and only 2 fewer than VA.
Hurricanes hammer these US states most often - CNN
Now that's more like the old "Daily Thread"hottest female, female athlete...ever?
hottest female, female athlete...ever?
Dios mio.
Never heard of her. There's a leaked nude on the internets and I think those things might be real.
I'm having unspeakable thoughts involving her, two clothes pins, a half-quart of vegetable -- no, make that canola -- oil, a glow-in-the-dark bowling pin and a Cleveland Golf wedge (56 degree).
interesting map. mass has had more hurricanes than NJ, RI, and NY...and only 2 fewer than VA.
Hurricanes hammer these US states most often - CNN
Figured you'd be looking for a Cleveland Steamroller.