Lefty 99
only 46 pitches for Volquez after a 21 pitch first inning....FUCK this gets old....
Uh, exactly. That was the joke.
You've heard the quip when Calvin (silent Cal) Coolidge died? "How could you tell," attributed to H. L. Mencken.
Yeah, but the Giants seem like a team that could benefit more than any other from a guy that could maybe hit .150/.500/.150
I had, but forgot it. Nice!
Another fun Coolidge bit:
A lady told him she'd wagered she could get him to say more than 2 words to her that evening. He replied "You lose".
Supposedly Bill Veeck (the guy who brought Eddie in) told him if he swung at a pitch, he had a sniper on the roof that would shoot him dead right then.
In this game, the leadoff freepass, has scored 25% of the time, so far.
Damn...that's a pretty mean threat