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Jul 7, 2013
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As far as the WSH game. Jay only played two full series before his injury. Scoring a TD on one of them. So, it was really too early to make that assumption.

I may be willing to concede that Josh is better at operating within the limitations of the offense, while Jay is willing to take gambles. As where Josh would dump it or throw it away. However, that's also what makes Jay a better QB. He has that big playmaking ability. He has the ability to force balls into impossible windows. You can't try to take that away from him.

I agree Jay needs to allow the offense to come to him a bit more. However, that's ALL apart of the process here. That's why a new offensive system usually doesn't begin to kick into high gear until about halfway through year number two.

That's also why once this offense does begin to gel under Jay, the ceiling is TEN times higher than it is under McCown. IMO, you already saw the ceiling under McCown. High percentage throws, play it safe, etc... Probably score in the mid 20's most weeks. There wasn't really anywhere to go. With Cutler, this offense can soar.

And yes, 63, you were always only saying McCown knew the system better. However, you also said he was the better option right now. Which I believe is 100% off.[/QUOTE]


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Jul 7, 2013
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As far as the WSH game. Jay only played two full series before his injury. Scoring a TD on one of them. So, it was really too early to make that assumption.

I may be willing to concede that Josh is better at operating within the limitations of the offense, while Jay is willing to take gambles. As where Josh would dump it or throw it away. However, that's also what makes Jay a better QB. He has that big playmaking ability. He has the ability to force balls into impossible windows. You can't try to take that away from him.

I agree Jay needs to allow the offense to come to him a bit more. However, that's ALL apart of the process here. That's why a new offensive system usually doesn't begin to kick into high gear until about halfway through year number two.

That's also why once this offense does begin to gel under Jay, the ceiling is TEN times higher than it is under McCown. IMO, you already saw the ceiling under McCown. High percentage throws, play it safe, etc... Probably score in the mid 20's most weeks. There wasn't really anywhere to go. With Cutler, this offense can soar.

And yes, 63, you were always only saying McCown knew the system better. However, you also said he was the better option right now. Which I believe is 100% off.

Never said Josh was a better option anywhere. You have a tendency to put words in other peoples mouths.
All I said is Josh Knows the system better RIGHT NOW.


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Jul 15, 2013
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If Jay worked the system like Josh, we'd score everytime we had the frickin ball

Eh, Im not convinced of that at all. IMO, then Jay would be doing the things that fit the scope of Josh's abilities...instead of utilizing the more talented skill set that he possesses.


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Jul 11, 2013
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Never said Josh was a better option anywhere. You have a tendency to put words in other peoples mouths.
All I said is Josh Knows the system better RIGHT NOW.

I'm pretty positive you were on the start McCown train. I never put words in other people's mouths, I quote them exactly. And that is all I've ever done with you. So don't even fucking try that shit.

If you weren't on the "Ride McCown" train, I apologize. However, don't even try that cry baby bull shit.

"You put words in my mouth". Don't even.


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Jul 13, 2013
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Hell no. Just think if Jay understood the O as well as Josh . We'd be unbeatable. Even w/ our D.
Turn-overs kill teams. Josh has followed the system and had 1 pick ( I know he could have others, but the same could be said for Jay).
My comments have nothing to do how a QB plays VS a certain D whether it be good or bad.
Just their execution of the O. Which takes into consideration protecting the ball, moving the chains, and putting points on the board. Both played in the Wash. game. It would be hard to argue that Josh didn't have the better game that day.
Again not saying Josh is better but has a better grasp of the frikin system.

The 1 pick for Mcown is such a freakishly lucky thing though. If you watch the games you cannot say McCown and Cutler have the same amount of dropped picks. Yesterday, Cutler had 2 balls that should have been picked by defenders and they were. McCown in his last 2 games had 6 balls that should have been picked, and all of them were not. 4 of them dropped, and 2 that were picked but negated by penalties. Cutler had a few games this season where not even 1 ball had a chance to be picked, like PITT and NYG. I watched those games and did not even see 1 near INT. I really don't think McCown has been any more careful with the ball than Jay. He's just been very lucky to have an unusual amount of dropped INTs. Not that he didn't play very well. He's a great backup!


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Jul 4, 2013
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Fucking Idiots

The great Josh McCown. ...couldn't even beat the Vikings or Rams. Josh has a 1 game winning streak and all of a sudden he is Joe Montana. Nobody remembers how bad he was playing against the Ravens before the storm hit. And he really showed me some moxie bringing the Bears back against the Rams. Oh yeah and his great 3rd down conversions against the Vikings to help win that game. 1 fucking good game against the pathetic Dallas Cowboys and he is the savior. I can't believe some of you people . Might as well sit Matt Forte because of the great game Bush had. SMH

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Jul 7, 2013
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Eh, Im not convinced of that at all. IMO, then Jay would be doing the things that fit the scope of Josh's abilities...instead of utilizing the more talented skill set that he possesses.

I may have overstated that a bit.:lol:
Just wish Jay would protect the ball better. Instead forcing throws to a covered receiver, use his check downs. I'd rather see a 3-4 yard gain, rather than an in completion or int.


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I'm pretty positive you were on the start McCown train. I never put words in other people's mouths, I quote them exactly. And that is all I've ever done with you. So don't even fucking try that shit.

If you weren't on the "Ride McCown" train, I apologize. However, don't even try that cry baby bull shit.

"You put words in my mouth". Don't even.

Apology accepted.
Never said anywhere Josh is the better QB or that he should start ahead of Jay.
Sorry you misunderstood my simple comment, Josh has a better grasp of the system.
Jay is the best QB we've had as long as I've watched the Bears.


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Jul 11, 2013
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Apology accepted.
Never said anywhere Josh is the better QB or that he should start ahead of Jay.
Sorry you misunderstood my simple comment, Josh has a better grasp of the system.
Jay is the best QB we've had as long as I've watched the Bears.

Well, fair enough. However, you definitely never said the Bears should start Cutler, and you did say McCown was playing better right now.

To me, that implies you were on the McCown train. I believe you were trying your best to sit in the middle, and then that way, if Cutler played well. You'd be able to defend yourself. If he would have lost, you would have said you were right all along. I just about guarantee it.

All of your posts last week implied you wanted McCown. So don't act like I was putting words in your mouth, that's horse shit. You played it like a politician. You implied you wanted McCown, and even indicated. Never flat out said.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Well, fair enough. However, you definitely never said the Bears should start Cutler, and you did say McCown was playing better right now.

To me, that implies you were on the McCown train. I believe you were trying your best to sit in the middle, and then that way, if Cutler played well. You'd be able to defend yourself. If he would have lost, you would have said you were right all along. I just about guarantee it.

All of your posts last week implied you wanted McCown. So don't act like I was putting words in your mouth, that's horse shit. You played it like a politician. You implied you wanted McCown, and even indicated. Never flat out said.

Tried to diffuse this conversation peacefully.
But if you insist on being Fuckin Jerk Off. Well here goes.
I'll start w/ the cry Baby comment you threw at me . Your thread after the loss to Minnesota, showed everyone on this board who the biggest Fuckin CRY BABY is. You .

To me, that implies you were on the McCown train. I believe you were trying your best to sit in the middle, and then that way, if Cutler played well. You'd be able to defend yourself. If he would have lost, you would have said you were right all along. I just about guarantee it\

Sorry I don't think like you . I say what the fuck I mean to say , and stand behind it. MR I think this team can win ,but they'll lose if this fuckin happens. Talk about a politician. You try to cover your ass in just about every prediction post.

All of your posts last week implied you wanted McCown. So don't act like I was putting words in your mouth, that's horse shit. You played it like a politician. You implied you wanted McCown, and even indicated. Never flat out said
All of my posts just said Josh has a better grasp of the O.
You're Horseshit. Oh and FU I'm through taking your BS.


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Jul 7, 2013
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And yes you put fucking words in my mouth.
I've been 1 of Jay's biggest fans since we acquired him. Go back to the ESPN Boards.
But if I see something, I like to discuss it.
Evidently Rich. You're on some kind of ego trip.:laugh3:


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Jul 15, 2013
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63- Can you explain what you mean by "Josh having a better grasp of the O"...that sounds a bit ambiguous to me. Thanks!


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Jul 11, 2013
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Tried to diffuse this conversation peacefully.
But if you insist on being Fuckin Jerk Off. Well here goes.

I was simply telling you what I believed you were doing. I'd be lying if I said it didn't irk me a bit when you said "I was putting words in your mouth". I never did that. You spent the last three weeks or whatever the fuck it was, saying McCown "has a better grasp of the O". And talking about how Jay doesn't get the system, takes risks, forces balls, etc... Then ALL OF THE FUCKING SUDDEN when I corner you on the topic, you say "well... uh... I think Jay is the better QB. I uh... I just uh... it's like I said... well uh... Josh just had a better grasp of the O. THAT'S ALL I SAID."

HMMMMMMM... Something smells like BULL SHIT. Even you have to say, that's a bit strange.

I'm just trying to paint you a picture of what that looks like from someone else's perspective.

I'll start w/ the cry Baby comment you threw at me . Your thread after the loss to Minnesota, showed everyone on this board who the biggest Fuckin CRY BABY is. You .

I don't have time for this horse shit. I addressed this issue in another thread. Go check it out. It's near the top somewhere. In one of the threads you've stalked me out on tonight.

Sorry I don't think like you . I say what the fuck I mean to say , and stand behind it. MR I think this team can win ,but they'll lose if this fuckin happens. Talk about a politician. You try to cover your ass in just about every prediction post.

Of course, I don't know what the hell is going to happen. Am I a god damned guru? If I don't have a grasp on who I think is going to win, I don't just pull predictions out of my ass. Why should I? It seems dumb to me. I try to stay as completely open minded as I can. I didn't know if we'd beat the Browns on Sunday. Did you? Did anyone? If I feel as though the Bears are going to win/lose a game, I'll say it. If I don't know, I don't know.

However, I ALWAYS make my opinion CRYSTAL clear when I am speaking on personnel issues. Such as the Cutler issue, etc...

All of my posts just said Josh has a better grasp of the O.
You're Horseshit. Oh and FU I'm through taking your BS.

The most VAGUE fucking statement of all-time. Are you that inept when it comes relaying a thought to another human being? Christ almighty.
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Jul 7, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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63- Can you explain what you mean by "Josh having a better grasp of the O"...that sounds a bit ambiguous to me. Thanks!

That's easy. Josh continually finds the OPEN receiver,whether it be the check , or a WR ,or TE who has actually broken free of his coverage. Just think this O is predicated on moving the chains.
He also gets rid of the ball quickly , thus not taking sacks. Did I mention TOs.
JMO , but the O more often than not looked like well oiled machine w/ Josh running it.
Say what you want it's JMO.
I Love Jay. But don't really think he bought in totally, in what this system is about. Moving the chains.
Jay continually looks for the big play, IMO. Thus continues to throw to covered receivers.
The TD to AJ , he was double covered. Just sayin , I want to see smarter QB play from our guys.
I'm not unhappy w/ an 80 yard drive 5-10 yards at a time . As opposed to a lucky 50 yard pass . Just think if Jay would run this O like it should be run. We'd be hard to beat. Hell it worked for Steve Young & Rich Gannon.
And Just to make my self clear here. I'm not Knocking Jay or promoting Josh.
Seems you have to do this now a days.


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Jul 11, 2013
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That's easy. Josh continually finds the OPEN receiver,whether it be the check , or a WR ,or TE who has actually broken free of his coverage. Just think this O is predicated on moving the chains.
He also gets rid of the ball quickly , thus not taking sacks. Did I mention TOs.
JMO , but the O more often than not looked like well oiled machine w/ Josh running it.
Say what you want it's JMO.
I Love Jay. But don't really think he bought in totally, in what this system is about. Moving the chains.
Jay continually looks for the big play, IMO. Thus continues to throw to covered receivers.
The TD to AJ , he was double covered. Just sayin , I want to see smarter QB play from our guys.
I'm not unhappy w/ an 80 yard drive 5-10 yards at a time . As opposed to a lucky 50 yard pass . Just think if Jay would run this O like it should be run. We'd be hard to beat. Hell it worked for Steve Young & Rich Gannon.
And Just to make my self clear here. I'm not Knocking Jay or promoting Josh.
Seems you have to do this now a days.

Just an honest question. If the tables were turned, and someone else was saying this. You weren't engaging that person, but just reading these statements.

When the Bears are in the midst of a quote; "QB controversy" amongst the fans.

Hypothetically, if you were reading someone else say all of these things multiple times pretty much every week, without adding in the asterisk of; "but I do think Jay is a better QB". Which is pretty much what you have done since the WSH game.

You reading that person say all of these things that McCown does better than Jay. That McCown does, but Jay cannot, and has failed to do... etc...

How in the hell could you possibly think that person wanted Jay Cutler to be the starting QB? I mean, you made ZERO inferences that would lead someone to believe that you wanted Jay, and I'm pretty sure you have still yet to. All you have said is; "but Jay is the better QB"... "I love Jay".

All you have done is praise Josh, and criticize Jay in this offense. Yet, somehow... we are supposed to MAGICALLY know you wanted Jay Cutler to start all along?

Don't you see why someone could find it strange that you all of the sudden start saying this stuff now? I mean, just try looking at it neutrally for a moment. Please.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Tried to diffuse this conversation peacefully.
But if you insist on being Fuckin Jerk Off. Well here goes.

I was simply telling you what I believed you were doing. I'd be lying if I said it didn't irk me a bit when you said "I was putting words in your mouth". I never did that. You spent the last three weeks or whatever the fuck it was, saying McCown "has a better grasp of the O". And talking about how Jay doesn't get the system, takes risks, forces balls, etc... Then ALL OF THE FUCKING SUDDEN when I corner you on the topic, you say "well... uh... I think Jay is the better QB. I uh... I just uh... it's like I said... well uh... Josh just had a better grasp of the O. THAT'S ALL I SAID."

HMMMMMMM... Something smells like BULL SHIT. Even you have to say, that's a bit strange.

I'm just trying to paint you a picture of what that looks like from someone else's perspective.

I'll start w/ the cry Baby comment you threw at me . Your thread after the loss to Minnesota, showed everyone on this board who the biggest Fuckin CRY BABY is. You .

I don't have time for this horse shit. I addressed this issue in another thread. Go check it out. It's near the top somewhere. In one of the threads you've stalked me out on tonight.

Sorry I don't think like you . I say what the fuck I mean to say , and stand behind it. MR I think this team can win ,but they'll lose if this fuckin happens. Talk about a politician. You try to cover your ass in just about every prediction post.

Of course, I don't know what the hell is going to happen. Am I a god damned guru? If I don't have a grasp on who I think is going to win, I don't just pull predictions out of my ass. Why should I? It seems dumb to me. I try to stay as completely open minded as I can. I didn't know if we'd beat the Browns on Sunday. Did you? Did anyone? If I feel as though the Bears are going to win/lose a game, I'll say it. If I don't know, I don't know.

However, I ALWAYS make my opinion CRYSTAL clear when I am speaking on personnel issues. Such as the Cutler issue, etc...

All of my posts just said Josh has a better grasp of the O.
You're Horseshit. Oh and FU I'm through taking your BS.

The most VAGUE fucking statement of all-time. Are you that inept when it comes relaying a thought to another human being? Christ almighty.

Think about that statement ASSWhole. You started the name calling .
The only BULLSHIT ON this board are your words.


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Jul 11, 2013
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Think about that statement ASSWhole. You started the name calling .
The only BULLSHIT ON this board are your words.

I don't believe I called you a name. If I did, I apologize. That was probably wrong of me. However, I really don't think that I did. I can't recall it. I remember saying that the way in which I thought you were dancing around the Cutler/McCown issue was that of a politician. I really don't see comparing someone's style of debate to that of a "politician" as being "name calling".

I think you took that post way too personally, BTW. I seriously didn't mean to offend you. I was trying to defuse the debate as well. To be honest, I was completely taken off guard when I came back to view the board and saw you angrily posting replies to me and calling me "jerk off" "asshole" etc... I have still yet to call you anything like that. For the record.

I am sorry that you got so upset. Have a good night, 63.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Just an honest question. If the tables were turned, and someone else was saying this. You weren't engaging that person, but just reading these statements.

When the Bears are in the midst of a quote; "QB controversy" amongst the fans.

Hypothetically, if you were reading someone else say all of these things multiple times pretty much every week, without adding in the asterisk of; "but I do think Jay is a better QB". Which is pretty much what you have done since the WSH game.

You reading that person say all of these things that McCown does better than Jay. That McCown does, but Jay cannot, and has failed to do... etc...

How in the hell could you possibly think that person wanted Jay Cutler to be the starting QB? I mean, you made ZERO inferences that would lead someone to believe that you wanted Jay, and I'm pretty sure you have still yet to. All you have said is; "but Jay is the better QB"... "I love Jay".

All you have done is praise Josh, and criticize Jay in this offense. Yet, somehow... we are supposed to MAGICALLY know you wanted Jay Cutler to start all along?

Don't you see why someone could find it strange that you all of the sudden start saying this stuff now? I mean, just try looking at it neutrally for a moment. Please.

Maybe you should learn to read something that is printed for what it's worth. And not act like a fucking god and pass judgement. Before you have time to take said thoughts into consideration.


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Jul 11, 2013
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Maybe you should learn to read something that is printed for what it's worth. And not act like a fucking god and pass judgement. Before you have time to take said thoughts into consideration.

It's hard to do when something is put so vaguely. I mean, you had over a month to clarify what you meant.

... But I'll take that into consideration, 63. Have a good night.
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I don't believe I called you a name. If I did, I apologize. That was probably wrong of me. However, I really don't think that I did. I can't recall it. I remember saying that the way in which I thought you were dancing around the Cutler/McCown issue was that of a politician. I really don't see comparing someone's style of debate to that of a "politician" as being "name calling".

I think you took that post way too personally, BTW. I seriously didn't mean to offend you. I was trying to defuse the debate as well. To be honest, I was completely taken off guard when I came back to view the board and saw you angrily posting replies to me and calling me "jerk off" "asshole" etc... I have still yet to call you anything like that. For the record.

I am sorry that you got so upset. Have a good night, 63.

FU Richig, Oh don't take it personally.