Suck My Brine
Conor Gilaspie
Just warning you all now .... the guy is a player
Just warning you all now .... the guy is a player
Conor Gilaspie
Just warning you all now .... the guy is a player
I'm lost
Did you say Gardner was better than CarGo ?
I know we are all somewhat homers and I know despite what others say you are intelligent when it comes to baseball, thus me asking if you really said this? Cause I dont believe you would
The only thing funnier than watching chappee prove himself a huge hypocrite and refusing to address it (like a bitch) is watching chappee fail to properly read defensive metrics while being a hypocrite about them
vance worley is a player.....chris coast was a player
"I didn't change your words! Saying gardner is better than cargo means you're saying that cargo is a piece of shit! Stop arguing semantics uno!"
20-8 overall. 10-5 in the division. 9-3 on the road. Suck on it!
I took a MAJOR MAJOR reach tonight with my pitcher \
vance worley is a player.....chris coast was a player
I said I would take gardner over him yes...outside of coors, they're pretty much the same player...both have injury histories but cargo has literally never exceed 145 games in a season...gardner has twice...and gardner is better defensively and on the basepaths...its close, but I still take gardner
Your actual argument has changed so many times it's impossible to keep track of...
I'm pretty sure Uno would trash the Yankees if it was his only way to discredit the Sox. Gotta admire that MPL-Jeter kind of devotion.
keep changing that argument...I will have fun mocking you while you disappear later in the season
So was Doc Halladay
Nope pickles really went out on a limb and took romero![]()
I'm pretty sure Uno would trash the Yankees if it was his only way to discredit the Sox. Gotta admire that MPL-Jeter kind of devotion. more Gold Glove talk for Poor Man's Ellsbury!
Umm I've never humped defensive metrics in the past.
Uno...when you've spent all day changing your own arguments, you just look silly complaining about it now...![]()
Pretty sure I can't just stand by and watch a bunch of Reds Sox fans gang-up on Uno.
A) Uno is right.
B) I don't know what the question was or what you're arguing about, but it doesn't matter.