Well-Known Member
Yup, that's it. Keep pounding it. It's your bread and butter! Your taters and gravy! Your PB&J!
If you can’t handle the player, don’t join the game. It’s becoming clearer and clearer.
Yup, that's it. Keep pounding it. It's your bread and butter! Your taters and gravy! Your PB&J!
Thank you for admitting I’m right. Now keep defending puppet
Several of us have met the kid. Some of us met him in Orlando. One helluva a commitment going to Orlando to keep your troll handle alive if true.
If you can’t handle the player, don’t join the game. It’s becoming clearer and clearer.
That’s cool. Not believable but cool. Did you have dinner with a UCF coach too?
Yup, good. Stick with the tropes. The clichés. They're your friends.
3 yards and a cloud of dust. Run the clock, you've got this. You definitely don't come off as a fool. Never let them tell you that.
No. But I have golfed with several VT coaches.
I called you out for your blatant stupidity, now you are trying your darndest deflect. Keep it going, it looks hilarious on you.
Ralph, we can't let our emotions get to us here. Okay? This is easy, buddy. Like we said. Stick to the game plan. I believe in you.
Yeah, continue deflecting and pretending you aren’t on honors leash. Ohh wait you can’t, you’re a Chicago spirts fan hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Now that routine was funny. Continue with that.
Nice. See, we're back on track. Keep pounding that. Just like you did to me. Keep at the opposition. I like it. It's good. It's working. Bread and butter. Do it.
Several of us have met the kid. Some of us met him in Orlando. One helluva a commitment going to Orlando to keep your troll handle alive if true.
So this is called pot and kettle?
Nope. You've almost got it, though!
Not pot and kettle. Remember, "bread and butter".
Pot and kettle was close, though. Nice
Bread and butter baby!
@UCFhonors i give you credit. The amount of people you have here puppeting for you is impressive. Well done if nothing else.
While on this subject
Mods, I forgot the login info for my alternate account. Which would be @UCFhonors
No, it’s pot and kettle. We’re both being douches. But I’m not deflecting. But but but, you’re a Chicago sports fan! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha