Y'all can pretend Trump uses fear but it's simply bitvtrue
Trying to claim fear is the motivator is an attempt at a shaming technique. Just gonna remind you ever time you try it.
Yes fear mongerers and racists should be shamed.
Y'all can pretend Trump uses fear but it's simply bitvtrue
Trying to claim fear is the motivator is an attempt at a shaming technique. Just gonna remind you ever time you try it.
That's very convenient if you get to determine whats fear rhetoric or racism.Yes fear mongerers and racists should be shamed.
That's very convenient if you get to determine whats fear rhetoric or racism.
Okay, it's my opinion you're a cowardly racist. Just because you disagree with me.Uhhh everybody does... It's called having opinions.
That said we can all agree SOME people are racist. Evidently there is disagreement on who falls into that category and sometimes it isn't obvious. But sometimes it is.
Way to project your lack of character onto our President. You're fooling nobody. Sad."Well gee if Trump said hes gonna build it, it MUST be true!"
You do realize he's an amazingly dishonest person regardless of what happens with the wall right?
The commander in chief is a dishonest moron. You're not making a very good case here.
Orange Man Bad.Oh yeah? You learn that from Prof Caleb in your women’s study course
Fear is his ONLY weapon.
Leftist Logic. Become unhinged in fear of the alleged life threatening dangers of 4-Chan memes that might somehow lead to alt-right white supremacy. Mock and deem those wanting border security from invading criminals, abductors, drug dealers, gangs, rapists and murderers as cowardly racists.Ummmmm
You align with the party of fear. America is insanely racist right?
I'll not exchange insults with you over a monument to stupidity! You believe that I'm acting like a dumb ass because I don't support the dumb assed idea of building a wall where one already exists, fine! You pull the manpower because some have made this into an either/or situation because they insist that walls work...They don't!
This is true because it is manpower and existing barriers that has already gotten us to a net negative illegal border crossing. Fuck it, don't believe me but perhaps the idiot who convinced you to believe in the scam will have some mind changing effect on you.
Is illegal immigration the lowest in 17 years, as Trump ...
Claim: Illegal immigration on the U.S.-Mexico border is "the lowest in 17 years."
View attachment 196883
Fact checked by
- Author: Donald Trump
So, an idiot creates an issue, people fall for his lame assed notions while others make every attempt to convince the gullible that they have been and are being duped. Instead of doing some very simple fact checking or doing so while calling it "fake" they fight the nonexistent battle over a made up "crisis" then proclaim over and over again that "we are tired of this shit!"
let's say for a moment that you're right and there "needs" to be a wall built where none exists right now, or is not sufficiently grand enough. In order to build on the vast majority of these places the federal government would have to claim eminent domain, then face years of litigation because most of it is on privately owned lands. How does that solve the non existent problem by having to wait for some final court rulings?
C'mon man! Really? disbanded? that's your counter? OK.
People find a way to get what they want in this country, that's textbook illegal use isn't it? However, let's get into your premise a little, I:E drying up supply creates a scenario where there's no forum for addiction concerning new users. Here are the top 10 reasons why people become addicted. See if you can find no supply among them. (in no particular order)
1. Experimentation
2. Family history/ Genetics
3. Prescription drugs
4. Loneliness
5. Peer Pressure
6. Drugs and alcohol can make you feel good
7. Mental health disorders
8. Recreational use
9. Alcohol isn't enough
10. Self medication
There are many reasons why people use and abuse drugs, most can be found within one of the above categories. I assure you that supply is not remotely connected to use/abuse.
I just might buy into your interesting final response if you can answer this one question. What metric related to the topic are you relying upon when you proclaim this to be the "greatest country in the world?"
I mean... Americans as a whole are pretty unhappy with Trump. The number of incumbents running can't change that.
Are you saying that Trump isn’t a liar? If so, I can cite multiple factual examples of where he has.Oh yeah? You learn that from Prof Caleb in your women’s study course
Are you saying that Trump isn’t a liar? If so, I can cite multiple factual examples of where he has.
Serious question... Have you ever taken a statistics course?
If you are going to throw out any poll you disagree with... Aren't you free to make up your own reality?
Truth doesn't exist to you at that point.
The left does believe in subjective truth.i dont go with any poll really , but the liberal mantra always goes to the "throw out the poll you dont agree with " crap that is intellectually lazy
also ignoring plain facts
Very eloquently put. You do leave out a rather major details though. After the 1964 civil rights movement, most of those racist democrats (dixiecrats actually) switched over to the Republican party.
I know that the new hotness is all about assimilation. And why dont more blacks assimilate into a more "Acceptable" culture. But the truth is, the blacks you seem to respect, tend to be blacks that act like what you would expect from a respectable white man. So to me, assimilation is not the desire, emulation is. And at the end of the day, just as many dont want to abandon their "heritage" so they cling to things like the rebel flag. I dont feel I should have to pretend to be an acceptable example of my race in order to be tolerated. Last I checked this country was supposed to be based in part on personal freedom. So I should not have to do my best to emulate your culture in order to be tolerated. Because unless we are willing to completely abandon anything of our culture, we are not tolerated much less accepted.
I mean now you're just outright lying but you do you man.
You seem to be confused. My policy beliefs are based on facts and data. That then determined which politicians I support.
I realize that's confusing to you though, since you don't actually care about your country, you just care about your guy winning and the other side losing.