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Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Because 34 incumbent republicans didn’t run. It is an unheard of number.

I mean... Americans as a whole are pretty unhappy with Trump. The number of incumbents running can't change that.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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You don't know how to secure the border, but the military does.:nod:

The commander in chief wants it done.

Go back to Mexico and don't come back.:playball:

The commander in chief is a dishonest moron. You're not making a very good case here.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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Honestly, Blacks can be blamed just as much, if not more, for the negative ways many people view them.

#1 - They betrayed their own party, the party they helped create, the party that garnered them freedom, the party that fought against Jim Crowe and Segregation and that later fought for their Civil Rights. And why? 4 FREE MONEY. Not something most people respect.

#2 - Far too many of them seem to abandon their women and children. This isn't totally their fault, the Democrats love for buying votes via welfare is also very much to blame.

#3 - The way they behave. In general, it's behavior that gives most a bad impression. The men wanting to be gangstas, the women and their finger shaking attitudes. Some will claim these are just cultural things, but how did this culture evolve? Why did it? Did they create it themselves? Why? Just to be rebellious and be different than whites? Or did the Govt use social engineering to manipulate them? That would make them ignorant dupes. Didn't the Govt also funnel drugs into Black communities? And yes, the Govt should be ashamed for their actions, but what does it say about the Blacks that they were so easily duped?

#4 - Their decision to talk ebonics, eschew education, and to shun and ridicule Blacks who choose otherwise, calling them uncle toms, etc.. This is similar to #3, but also different. How many Blacks aspire to become Doctors or Scientists or Lawyers compared the # that instead aspire to be Pro athletes or Rappers or Drug dealers. Now of course these are just generalities, and some whites and Asians and Hispanics end up wanting to emulate their gangsta lifestyle and behavior, but this makes those kids' parents even more resentful and negative towards Blacks for what they consider a negative influence on culture.

#5 - Now this one is just something that I personally find interesting. But they seem to choose SEC schools over northern schools to play football for, and probably other sports, despite those schools not wanting them for so much of their history. Do they not have any honor or any principles? This is similar to their voting Democrat for the free money. I, personally, do not respect people without principles.

So no offense, but Blacks are often their own worst enemy.

The high rate of Black men raised by single mothers is acknowledged by most of the experts to be at least "A" reason, if not the main reason, why so many young Black men turn to crime and murder. And who do they murder most often? Each other. And my guess is most of the thefts and assaults and rapes they commit, are committed against their own as well. And what percentage of the drugs they sell are sold to their own people???

Now you may point to "Whites" as causing some of these problems, and that may be true.

But I don't think this is a "White vs Black" issue.

I think this is a LEFTIST/Corporatist/Globalist vs Blacks issue.

It is a cold hard fact that the Democrats opposed Blacks civil rights all the way up to 1964.

Since then? Since the Blacks betrayed and abandoned the Republican Party, too many Republicans have sold out to Corporatist/Globalist interests, for financial gain mostly.

But Trump supporters, or at least the VAST Majority of them, do not want to use or oppress Blacks, we welcome them to give up their hateful and negative feelings towards ALL whites, and to come to realize it's only the Corporatist Globalists and Leftists that want to use them and manipulate them to kill each other.

Candace Owens and Larry Elder are two fine examples of very intelligent Blacks who have figured out the best home for the Blacks of America.

Btw, who supports Planned Parenthood? And who made sure PP Clinics were set up in Black Neighborhoods?

Democratic POLITICIANS, want Blacks to either kill each other, or get hooked on drugs, or to abandon their women and kids so they can become dependent on the Govt's handouts, and they want them to point all of their frustration and anger towards WHITE Conservatives, in hopes that the Blacks will hurt the Dems opposition.

And to the Democratic voters, they lie and tell them that they simply care about the poor Blacks and that the Blacks NEED their help. And most regular Democratic voters have good intentions and honestly want to help out Blacks, so they accept their Parties lies.

But the best thing for Blacks is for them to figure out how to help themselves.

So the difference? Dems think of Blacks as either infants that need them to care for them or as uncle toms for not towing the party line and being good little anti-right anti-white soldiers

Trump supporters think of Left leaning Blacks as rebellious teenagers that just need to grow up and move out of the house and take care of themselves and act responsible, something they are very capable of doing and they think of right leaning Blacks as mature adults, and brave ones at that, who should be role models for their fellow Blacks.



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Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
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Very eloquently put. You do leave out a rather major details though. After the 1964 civil rights movement, most of those racist democrats (dixiecrats actually) switched over to the Republican party.

I know that the new hotness is all about assimilation. And why dont more blacks assimilate into a more "Acceptable" culture. But the truth is, the blacks you seem to respect, tend to be blacks that act like what you would expect from a respectable white man. So to me, assimilation is not the desire, emulation is. And at the end of the day, just as many dont want to abandon their "heritage" so they cling to things like the rebel flag. I dont feel I should have to pretend to be an acceptable example of my race in order to be tolerated. Last I checked this country was supposed to be based in part on personal freedom. So I should not have to do my best to emulate your culture in order to be tolerated. Because unless we are willing to completely abandon anything of our culture, we are not tolerated much less accepted.

What part of "your culture" is "yours"???

If someone else created "your culture", as a way of manipulating you, then why would you want to continue to embrace it?
I'm not calling on Blacks to assimilate. And what about becoming educated is a cultural thing? lol

And Kanye acts and talks nothing like Larry Elder, maybe I should have mentioned him as an example?

And yes, personal freedom IS part of what this country is based on. But if you choose, with your freedom, to avoid becoming educated and choose to act like a fool, that personal freedom gives others the freedom to consider those to be fools.

And if you honestly think that getting educated, acting like a mature adult, speaking in a respectful way, getting a job and working hard, and taking responsibility for the children you produce is a white culture thing, then no wonder SOME people think white culture is so much superior to black culture.

Personally, I do not think that Blacks of years past were much different. I don't consider acting righteously and like a mature and responsible adult is something that belongs to any culture.

They DID respect education, they DID have good family values, they DID work hard, etc..

Oh, and your bs theory about the dixicrats switching over to the Republican Party has been debunked.

And the vast majority of the Blacks switched over to the Democratic Party decades before that supposed switch.

Seems like you need to watch a little Dinesh


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Dec 28, 2018
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A very fine oration that amounts to nothing because of a lack of historical perspective. I would love to get into this with you but it seems that your mind is locked into so much blather that facts don't really register. So good of you to take the entitled position outlining how others approach and fight against those things that affect some but not the vast majority of the people who are the subject of your nonsense. For the record, 73% of so-called "blacks" live above the poverty level, your move!

"lack of historical perspective"? Please, share this supposed "historical" perspective.

Facts matter more than anything else, imo.

And of course you pull out this bs "entitled" crap. Nothing inherently entitled about being white or Jewish or Asian.

What do whites and Jews and Asians have in common? HARD WORK ETHIC and a healthy respect for Education. Oh and a need to score MUCH higher in order to get into college than blacks and Hispanics.

Oh, and high average IQs.

Nobody is telling Asians to "assimilate" or adapt and become more like whites. They have a unique culture and their culture fosters success. They come here to America and very quickly become successful.

And nobody tells Jews to do anything, their culture combined with their high IQs means they will be successful at everything they do, wherever they are in the world.

Whites aren't even Top 2 out of 5, they are the middle. My guess is Blacks make the mistake of thinking just because Jews look more like Whites than like Blacks, that they blame whites for things they should blame Jews for.

And what do Blacks and Hispanic dominated nations ALL OVER THE WORLD have in common? The lowest average IQs and the lowest GDPs.

Why is that?

And you think I am closed minded? Why, just because I hold strong opinions? All that means is I require very well thought out and articulated arguments by reasonable people with lots of facts to sway my opinion.


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Dec 28, 2018
Alexandria, MN
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The commander in chief is a dishonest moron. You're not making a very good case here.

LOL, a moron, eh?

The Chinese think he's a genius. Q also thinks he's a genius. And Trump himself thinks he's a "stable genius"

Me? I don't know. But I definitely hope he is a genius.


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Aug 7, 2013
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"lack of historical perspective"? Please, share this supposed "historical" perspective.

Facts matter more than anything else, imo.

And of course you pull out this bs "entitled" crap. Nothing inherently entitled about being white or Jewish or Asian.

What do whites and Jews and Asians have in common? HARD WORK ETHIC and a healthy respect for Education. Oh and a need to score MUCH higher in order to get into college than blacks and Hispanics.

Oh, and high average IQs.

Nobody is telling Asians to "assimilate" or adapt and become more like whites. They have a unique culture and their culture fosters success. They come here to America and very quickly become successful.

And nobody tells Jews to do anything, their culture combined with their high IQs means they will be successful at everything they do, wherever they are in the world.

Whites aren't even Top 2 out of 5, they are the middle. My guess is Blacks make the mistake of thinking just because Jews look more like Whites than like Blacks, that they blame whites for things they should blame Jews for.

And what do Blacks and Hispanic dominated nations ALL OVER THE WORLD have in common? The lowest average IQs and the lowest GDPs.

Why is that?

And you think I am closed minded? Why, just because I hold strong opinions? All that means is I require very well thought out and articulated arguments by reasonable people with lots of facts to sway my opinion.

Well thanks for accepting my invite, so let's get to it, this ought to be fun as we begin with what you've written here. I'll go back to the fact less nonsense that triggered my initial response.

1. I agree facts matter more than almost anything else, yet you only provide what appears to have come from television programming or movies.

2. The "entitled" reference was aimed at you (singularly) not the "white" you, not the "black" you, Jewish or Asian you just you! The hang-up is yours when you inject made up constructs where none previously existed.

3. The most educated group in the U.S. is...women of African decent ( for your sorry POV "black" women) There's nothing that I can say to you about hard work since you seem to believe that certain groups deserve credit for having a "hard work ethic and healthy respect for education." when pitted against others not so named. I truly feel sorry for you and your obviously biased position. What facts do you hold to support such a notion?

4. There's no American culture that's not shared in part or in total by everyone. So what's the difference? greater expectations by Asians to excel academically. That said, it comes with costs. "Studies show that Asian American youth are less psychologically adjusted and socially engaged in school than their "white" peers. They may experience more conflict in relationships with parents because of the high educational expectations their parents place on them," It stands to reason that your definition of "success" is limited in scope.

5. Please stop with the "Jew" or Jewish thing (begin your first lack of historical perspective lesson) People who you refer to aren't original Jews, they are transplants from fleeing Germany.
It might be best to just accept that rather than going the whole route and getting into their true lineage, Edomites, and why it's perfectly proper to see both "whites" and German Jews as one and the same thing.

Later today I'll tackle that other nonsense that dribbled from your mind to your fingertips and onto these pages.


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Aug 7, 2013
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LOL, a moron, eh?

The Chinese think he's a genius. Q also thinks he's a genius. And Trump himself thinks he's a "stable genius"

Me? I don't know. But I definitely hope he is a genius.

He's an idiot, fake assed authoritarian who knows that fear is his best weapon.


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Dec 28, 2018
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Well thanks for accepting my invite, so let's get to it, this ought to be fun as we begin with what you've written here. I'll go back to the fact less nonsense that triggered my initial response.

1. I agree facts matter more than almost anything else, yet you only provide what appears to have come from television programming or movies.

2. The "entitled" reference was aimed at you (singularly) not the "white" you, not the "black" you, Jewish or Asian you just you! The hang-up is yours when you inject made up constructs where none previously existed.

3. The most educated group in the U.S. is...women of African decent ( for your sorry POV "black" women) There's nothing that I can say to you about hard work since you seem to believe that certain groups deserve credit for having a "hard work ethic and healthy respect for education." when pitted against others not so named. I truly feel sorry for you and your obviously biased position. What facts do you hold to support such a notion?

4. There's no American culture that's not shared in part or in total by everyone. So what's the difference? greater expectations by Asians to excel academically. That said, it comes with costs. "Studies show that Asian American youth are less psychologically adjusted and socially engaged in school than their "white" peers. They may experience more conflict in relationships with parents because of the high educational expectations their parents place on them," It stands to reason that your definition of "success" is limited in scope.

5. Please stop with the "Jew" or Jewish thing (begin your first lack of historical perspective lesson) People who you refer to aren't original Jews, they are transplants from fleeing Germany.
It might be best to just accept that rather than going the whole route and getting into their true lineage, Edomites, and why it's perfectly proper to see both "whites" and German Jews as one and the same thing.

Later today I'll tackle that other nonsense that dribbled from your mind to your fingertips and onto these pages.

#5 - Just using the nomenclature of the day, DUH!!! If I wanted to refer to the descendants of the ancient Israelites, I would have said, "descendants of the ancient Israelites".

But people disagree with who the descendants of the ancient Israelites are now.

Let me guess? You believe Blacks are the descendants of the ancient Israelites?

And whether modern day Ashkenazi Jews descended from Khazaria and before that from the Edomites, matters not. The label "Jew", in todays world, to 99.99% of the population refers to Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews, whatever their ancestry.

Whites, or Caucasians, migrated into Europe from the Caucasus Mountains, located just north of Persia, and have a different lineage than Edomites or Khazarians or modern day Ashkenazi Jews. I could expand upon this, but I doubt you could handle what I'd say.

I know quite abit about ancient history, so you can take your "lack of historical perspective" and shove it up your ass.

#4 Sure, of course, everyone knows Asians suffer from the higher expectations their families place on their academics. Some would say that is simply evolution weeding out the weak. Or don't you believe in evolution?

#3 - I seriously doubt that. But hey, if you can provide some evidence, I'd be willing to discuss it. If it's true, then my guess? Black women are given lower standards for qualifying for loans and grants and scholarships, or some other explanation. And you said it in a strange way? Are you referring to "black women", or women here in America, who were born in Africa? Please elucidate and be more specific or accurate so that whatever it is you are talking about can be better understood.

#2 - How exactly is it that I am "entitled"???

#1 - TV or movies? Give me a break. I've read plenty in my lifetime. Went to several colleges. Done lots of my own independent research.


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Sep 2, 2014
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The commander in chief is a dishonest moron. You're not making a very good case here.
He said he's gonna build a wall and he's building a wall. That's honesty for you, little troubled one.


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Dec 15, 2016
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Damn, this is getting good! :suds:


The Scorpio
Dec 2, 2016
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Y'all can pretend Trump uses fear but it's simply bitvtrue
Fear is his ONLY weapon.

FIFY :suds:
Trying to claim fear is the motivator is an attempt at a shaming technique. Just gonna remind you ever time you try it.


The Scorpio
Dec 2, 2016
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So what's your plan for them then?
Well, hypotheitcally, were I president and had the power to make this happen I'd offer amnesty for every illegal living here and contributing to society on the following conditions.

1.) The individual must have no criminal record (unless the arrest was simply for being an illegal).

I'm for the opportunity for good, decent people looking to lead better lives and be productive find their way to citizenship. I'm not for making citizens out of criminals; rapists, drug dealers, gang bangers, human traffickers, murderers.

2.) If the individual commits a crime above a misdemeanor, they lose all citizenship status, are deported and unable to return.

Same principle as above.

3.) Everyone MUST learn English and be be tested for proficiency.

I'm not saying anyone has to speak english, but they should have the ability to. But our street signs are in english. Everyone should be able to interact with a police officer or first responder or medic in english. This is common sense. FWIW, I think public schools should be teaching english as well as spanish, and my kids will be bilingual.

4.) All Males 18-35, physically able, must go into 4 years of military service. All women 18-35 must go into some form of government humanitarian work, and only receive half benefits of social security. All children above 4 years of age must be grandfathered into this (they will go in at 18). Anyone 36 and older is exempt but, will receive no social security of any kind. Children under 4 will have normal US citizen rights.

US citizenship is a reward. Legal immigrants spend years trying and lots of money doing things the right way. THEY'RE the ones awarded for becoming citizens the right way. So, if we're to grant amnesty for "30 million" (many times that), they need to give back to this country. Military service is a great way, as it benefits us and strengthens us, as well as forces the illegal to develop a patriotic love of country and discipline is assured. The men, after their serve, would have full benefits, as opposed to the women's only half (as humanitarian works are less risky/dangerous) ensuring and incentivizing a family dynamic. Likewise, the older and essentially useless would, while now being able to collect normal wages/salary, be paying into the rest of our retirement while collecting/stealing none, ensuring they'll be, for a generation, partially dependent on family, thus reinforcing the family.

Theres more minute details, but then are the big things I'd demand before I ever even entertained wholesale amnesty.


Jul 14, 2013
State College, PA
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He said he's gonna build a wall and he's building a wall. That's honesty for you, little troubled one.

"Well gee if Trump said hes gonna build it, it MUST be true!"

You do realize he's an amazingly dishonest person regardless of what happens with the wall right?
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