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Not Another Word About Zeke.....


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if they found that evidence they would have charged him. That isn't what they found at all. Neither did the NFL.

Goodell suspended Zeke because he needed the optics of it. Couldn't have another start RB woman beater appear to skate.

Now THAT is some conjecture. Do you want to provide any evidence for that?

God, you guys are pathetic. Keep giving me the BS ratings. You can’t handle that someone sees all the same evidence and thinks differently than you. It’s really freaking sad.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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No, I just tend to believe victims of domestic violence and I understand that the actions they take don’t always seem rational to an outside observer, and sometimes seems contradictory or undermines their allegations. The psyche of a DV victim is complicated. Many people don’t believe them. It’s a sad situation.
This is going to sound crazy, but do you think that might be because there's evidence of her asking friends to lie??




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And here comes that Cowboy hatred that you foster.

My fiancee has a huge bruise on her shin from this weekend when she slipped climbing back into the pontoon boat on the lake. Does that mean that if she shows investigators and says I did it, that I'm instantly guilty in your eyes?

Or would I have to play for Dallas for you think that?

Because a single bruise on a shin is the same as bruises in multiple spots consistent with a domestic dispute.

He abused that poor girl and then waged a smear campaign against her and you dopes fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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Because a single bruise on a shin is the same as bruises in multiple spots consistent with a domestic dispute.

He abused that poor girl and then waged a smear campaign against her and you dopes fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
I see your anger is setting in. You know you're just being demolished by facts and all you have left is to hurl personal insults.

The bruises were consistent with a fight that happened, which a witness testified to having seen. Any other baseless allegations you want to hurl against an innocent man who happens to play for your arch rival?


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This is going to sound crazy, but do you think that might be because there's evidence of her asking friends to lie??



You’re just going to ignore the whole part about the complicated psyche, huh?

Of course that’s reason not to believe her. It hurts her credibility. And still. It doesn’t mean that I have to discount everything she’s ever said.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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You’re just going to ignore the whole part about the complicated psyche, huh?

Of course that’s reason not to believe her. It hurts her credibility. And still. It doesn’t mean that I have to discount everything she’s ever said.
Ok doctor, what part of a battered woman's psyche involves her asking friends to lie about the abuse taking place?

Which part of it involves getting in a bar fight and trying to blame the bruises on her boyfriend while asking her friend to lie to police about it?

Which part of it involves her telling her friends that she wants to "ruin Zeke's career and tell police he hit her", even though witnesses all said it never came close to happening?

Which part involves her and her friend talking about blackmailing him into paying her $20k or she'd release sex tapes of them?

Tell me, detective Stabler. Where does this all fit in with your extensive knowledge on the subject?


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I see your anger is setting in. You know you're just being demolished by facts and all you have left is to hurl personal insults.

The bruises were consistent with a fight that happened, which a witness testified to having seen. Any other baseless allegations you want to hurl against an innocent man who happens to play for your arch rival?

How am I getting angry? You guys are the ones wearing out your mouse/screen clicking the BS rating. But I call you dopes and now I’m angry? I’d hate to see your reaction when I’m actually angry or emotionally invested in something, neither of which is the case here. I can tell you that I use language a lot harsher than the word “dope.”

Not all of the bruises were consistent in time or location with the bar fight. There were photos from different dates. Granted, that still doesn’t mean Elliott caused them. But the bar fight does not explain all of the bruises.

I didn’t hurl any allegations against Elliott, let alone baseless allegations. Credit Tiffany Thompson for that.

As far as Dallas being my team’s arch rival, there are very few seasons I can remember where Dallas and Philadelphia have both been good. Yes, I don’t like the Cowboys but I mostly don’t like the degenerate fans of theirs that for some reason take up residence in the northeast. There are plenty of Cowboys players over the years who I both like and respect. Elliott isn’t one of them.


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Ok doctor, what part of a battered woman's psyche involves her asking friends to lie about the abuse taking place?

Which part of it involves getting in a bar fight and trying to blame the bruises on her boyfriend while asking her friend to lie to police about it?

Which part of it involves her telling her friends that she wants to "ruin Zeke's career and tell police he hit her", even though witnesses all said it never came close to happening?

Which part involves her and her friend talking about blackmailing him into paying her $20k or she'd release sex tapes of them?

Tell me, detective Stabler. Where does this all fit in with your extensive knowledge on the subject?

I’m going to give you a positive rating for the detective Stabler reference.

I never said I could explain her behavior. Just that the psyche of a DV victim is complicated. Maybe that’s a cop out. Probably is. How am I supposed to explain the behavior of someone I don’t know or understand?

All I know is that I don’t discount every word she has said. And if she’s still sticking by her story, then I believe her. Most false accusers don’t keep the lie going this long...but who knows, maybe she thinks she’s got to keep it going to avoid a civil suit against her. Regardless...Until she recants, I’m in her corner.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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I didn’t hurl any allegations against Elliott, let alone baseless allegations. Credit Tiffany Thompson for that.

LOL, really?

I don’t want to get caught up in the details because they are a distraction to the big picture: Elliott beat up a girl that his half his size.

He abused that poor girl and then waged a smear campaign against her and you dopes fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

No, these aren't allegations at all.


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LOL, really?

No, these aren't allegations at all.

She said he caused the bruises. How am I levying the allegations? I’m simply repeating what she has either alleged or inferred.

As far as the smear campaign, come on. He 100% smeared her in the press with everything that came out about her. But maybe that’s what he had to do to try to clear his name.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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I’m going to give you a positive rating for the detective Stabler reference.

I never said I could explain her behavior. Just that the psyche of a DV victim is complicated. Maybe that’s a cop out. Probably is. How am I supposed to explain the behavior of someone I don’t know or understand?

All I know is that I don’t discount every word she has said. And if she’s still sticking by her story, then I believe her. Most false accusers don’t keep the lie going this long...but who knows, maybe she thinks she’s got to keep it going to avoid a civil suit against her. Regardless...Until she recants, I’m in her corner.
Well at least we can agree on that part. I was trying to bring some levity, so I appreciate that.

Bottom line is, there are PLENTY of examples of DV actually happening involving athletes where they get off. Greg Hardy should be rotting in prison for the rest of his life, for example. Hell, when I was at OSU we had a LB named Storm Klein who was accused of DV. I had met his girlfriend at the time through friends and she was a crazy bitch, but I 100% believe he hit her and he deserved to get kicked off the team. However she recanted, and it was upsetting.

This just simply isn't an example of that. There's nothing, and I mean nothing, that even remotely supports her stance, however there's EVERYTHING that is going against it.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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She said he caused the bruises. How am I levying the allegations? I’m simply repeating what she has either alleged or inferred.

As far as the smear campaign, come on. He 100% smeared her in the press with everything that came out about her. But maybe that’s what he had to do to try to clear his name.
How is it a smear campaign when everything he said was true?


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PhillyGreen, since you facepalmed my post I know you read it. Since you haven't replied I know you see I'm right.

If not, then prove to me you didn't r@pe your neighbors dog.

Ummm no. I ignored it because I see that you have no intention of providing proof.


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How is it a smear campaign when everything he said was true?

They were still personal attacks. And I would find them especially reprehensible if he did in fact beat her.

He could have just as easily denied the allegations and let the process play out. Personally attacking her just looked bad. I’m sure some people thought that it’s the exact type of tactic that someone who beats up women would take. If he truly didn’t cause her harm, I don’t think the personal attacks helped his case.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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They were still personal attacks. And I would find them especially reprehensible if he did in fact beat her.

He could have just as easily denied the allegations and let the process play out. Personally attacking her just looked bad. I’m sure some people thought that it’s the exact type of tactic that someone who beats up women would take. If he truly didn’t cause her harm, I don’t think the personal attacks helped his case.
Honest question - what did he say that was so bad?


I Support Law Enforcement.
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And yet there is no proof that he did not put his hands her either and none of you have been able to show absolute facts that he did not touch her.

And for the record I never said he abused her. I said he put his hands on her. I do not think Zeke has a patterned behavior of abusing women. I think in this instance he got provoked and fell for it and was stupid enough to put himself in a violatile situation on several occasions.
Damn, I pray you never serve on a jury.