Sir Member
I say it is
until Adam James decides to be a tool and try to take this thread.
I say it is
until Adam James decides to be a tool and try to take this thread.
LOL @ Adam James and his shed deal
LOL indeed, sir
at least his shed was air conditioned
needs to be with this dadburn heat
does yourn shed have air conditioning???
nope--- just a bunch of fans
bunch of fans works too
my whole upstairs has fans.
HMMMMMMMMMM --do ya have ta feed them in the morning ??
sometimes, they usually take good care of themselves.
HMMMMMM like the penguins en sech --right ??
correct, sir
well this is a good thang
indeed, sir
and the horse should win this thread ---at no cost
I agree
sooo .its a deal than IPW 'S thread
yes if he comes back