Resident Rehabilitator

You are so fuckin tough. I would love to see you face to face. I've seen pictures of you I would knock you the fuck out you little faggot.
Seriously, ban reaper. This is his 4th account in less than a week. You know the rules SFNL he has several accounts. Now drop the fucking hammer for fucks sake.
Seriously, ban reaper. This is his 4th account in less than a week. You know the rules SFNL he has several accounts. Now drop the fucking hammer for fucks sake.
I just got to a computer. I'll check things out
Seriously, ban reaper. This is his 4th account in less than a week. You know the rules SFNL he has several accounts. Now drop the fucking hammer for fucks sake.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,damn I've never seen brasky this pissed
...the fuck?
Its ass fuck rejects from psr. Would you like a link to the page saying its champy or one other banned poster. He sits over at psr, talks mad shit then comes over here to only be apart of the circle jerk.
SFNL: Either inform yourself or stay out of it. What kind of good mod opens back up drama threads and eggs on others? I've got news for you, you fuckin suck as a mod bro. You are fucking terrible.