Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy bacon
canucks in 5 , im really glad chi is in m this is fitting for the canucks season to take out their demons
Please make it so...I'm rooting for the Canucks to take out the Hawks!
canucks in 5 , im really glad chi is in m this is fitting for the canucks season to take out their demons
shhhh. don't tell anyone, but i really don't hat the hawks as much as i pretend. i'm mostly all bluster.
and in all honesty, the stanley cup playoffs without the defending champs would feel a bit inappropriate.
shhhh. don't tell anyone, but i really don't hat the hawks as much as i pretend. i'm mostly all bluster.
and in all honesty, the stanley cup playoffs without the defending champs would feel a bit inappropriate.
or........maybe i really do hate the blackhawks and hope they get their feathers plucked one by one, painfully, go out in four and spend the rest of the summer picking grodies out of their bungholes.
wink wink nudge nudge...
but yes, congrats. can't imagine how hard it must have been for you to watch hockey today, but then i realize we're all about to start biting our fingers off...
And I hope we crush your damn heart in Chicago on a weak 5 holer.