This is the next match. They have an interesting segway into the match with an interview with The Shield and leading into Rollins turning his back onto the Shield.
I expect this to be a great match, but I expect a DQ to happen. If the DQ happens quick, I will be disappointed.
Ambrose attacks Rollins in pre-match interview. With HHH throwing Ambrose out of the building. Maybe that match isn't next. It was supposed to be next.
I was hoping they would have saved this match for SummerSlam. I think it would be a great match. I just hate this "friendemies" thing that Paige is doing. I want her to turn heel and I don't think that is going to work that well. AJ is definitely a babyface.
I thought it was pretty good. Not great. I am not a big fan of Paige's "friendemies" character. It could turn out to be something slick but don't think it will. I will give it 5/10
I am thinking the Fatal 4-Way will be more interesting. Cena or Reigns wins the belt, Rollins comes out to cash in the contract, and Ambrose finds a way back in to keep him from doing it in front of HHH.