A useful idiot.
True, very confusing how that all would work though. Of the Atlantic teams, who'd move? Other than the Pens they're all very close to each other over there, but the Pens wouldn't fit in the SE. And I doubt they move the Philly Pitt rivalry. I dunno...certainly seems that Detroit is moving. That is until Phoenix moves to Quebec City and kicks 'em back
Two scenarios:
(1) I could see it being Philly b/c of the Pitt/Det rivalry. Yeah, you'd lose PHI-PITT, but you'd gain PIT-DET and WAS-PHI.
(2) I could see it being Pitt b/c of the OV/Crosby thing and since all the other Atlantic teams are really clustered together. Again, you'd lose PHI-PIT, but gain DET vs NY and Philly markets. Big ratings. Plus, you'd have your star-laden golden goose of Washington and Pittsburgh.
Re: some posts above. I agree Nashville or Columbus seems a more natural move, but we are presuming Detroit is moving East based on the article (that says Columbus stays west and has Detroit absent). If that is true, you can't really move ANOTHER team to the East. You'd have serious imbalance and they aren't going to move Detroit to the East and then make some East coast team be in the West.
Unless this might mean a 16/14 split, which would be ridiculous because it would make playoff qualification uneven and potentially knock out more top markets in the East.