Pure Steel
Well-Known Member
I was 8, but Chipper was a left fielder and Smoltz was a closer when I really started watching
Chipper played 3rd base in 1999......
I was 8, but Chipper was a left fielder and Smoltz was a closer when I really started watching
Chipper played 3rd base in 1999......
You’re 84 years old?
Wait, you’ve been watching 3 times my lifetime, so you’re at the very least pushing 90?
And here we have another example of wisdom and age not being correlated
Yes he did. I wasn't really watching in 99. The early 2000's is when I really got into to MLB.
You're the jackass that decided he knew everything there was to know about NY sports fans, you got called on it and got butt-hurt, and revealed that your own fandom isn't even 20 years old.
I'm wise enough to know when someone is talking our their ass, with no first hand knowledge to back it up.
Exhibit A, your honor.
I put out the bait, and in predictable fashion, Yankees fans took it. I'll admit, it was more fun when Dirt was here, but you've gotta work with what you have.
I give Philadelphia fans a lot of credit(not just for being fags), but the Phillies were a joke and the A's were one of the better clubs, yet they didn't flock to the more successful franchise.
Kind of how Dodger and Giant fans didn't flock to the Yankees.
They waited for baseball to give them another NL team.
Thanks for proving my point, and dismantling your own.
You're really not good at this.
The Dodgers and Giants fans weren't frontrunning pussies like Yankees fans.
You're the baseball version of an Alabama fan(every Alabama fan I currently know was a Florida fan between 06 and 09)
You may be right....I clearly remember back in the CBS days that Nasty was a Met fan.....Need Rock to pop in and clarify this.....
Why would he have ever been a Mets fan? The Mets have never been better than the Yankees for an extended period, and that would go against his frontrunning nature.
I remember once when Chuck Knoblauch tried to argue a call with the umpire during a live ball during the ALCS. Cleveland won on the ensuing run, and there were calls in NY for his head. He apologized multiple times, to no avail. It was Game 2.
Oh man. You missed some great times.
At the beginning of the 90s, everyone was calling the Braves the "team of the decade"
No one was saying that by the time the decade ended.
Yeah, well we showed people how to treat Knoblauch.
At the beginning of the 90s the Braves were a perennial last place team. They may have been getting called the "doormat of the decade" before 1991. It would have been about 1994-1995 before people would have begun considering them for the "team of the decade."
A guy I went to high school with threw a golf ball at him and another one came out of the upper deck at the same time. He cut the article out of the paper and highlighted "golf balls". Being stupid, 17 year old kids at the time, we all thought it was funny as hell.
That can't be good for her Christian Music career.Wow so apparently the reason Zobrist is gone(and why Kimbrel was able to be signed) is because someone on the team was stuffing his wife.