i want to bang on the drum all day
Genghis Khan wannabee's; all of 'em.
This one is tough for the Canucks though because the split on that issue is not very easy to enumerate.
If Stalin was so great, how come people don't compare every perceived slight against free speech to your family getting sent to Siberia to work in the salt mines?
If Stalin was so great, how come people don't compare every perceived slight against free speech to your family getting sent to Siberia to work in the salt mines?
Slightly off-topic, but I feel this video should enlighten you about Stalin, and indeed, all of Russian history:
Slightly off-topic, but I feel this video should enlighten you about Stalin, and indeed, all of Russian history:
Sorry man, I didn't mean to Stalin your post and derail this thread. And so close to when common ground was going to be had by all.