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When does the media start putting pressure on CP/BG/Doc?


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May 17, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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I have said it for years on here.
No other superstar gets the TEFLON treatment more than CP3.

They Clippers more talent than any other team.
They have plenty of quality season wins and more Sportscenter highlights than everyone else combined.
But come April and May when they bow out meekly, there is no criticism ever.

Replace the name CP3 with "LEBRON", "DWIGHT", or "MELO" and the media gets their pitchforks out. I have never understood why CP3 gets a permanent free pass.

Maybe this is the year he finally wins or finally gets blasted for not winning???
I guess we will find out.
Fully agreed that CP3 is given the superstar treatment just because of his stats.

On New Orleans, there was this assumption that he made Chandler and West a lot better. Chandler has a ring and West has had a good career without him.

The reality is that 9 times out of 10, if you are making the playoffs then you have a good PG. The league is loaded with good PGs. The difference between a good PG and Chris Paul isn't enough to matter when the playoffs come around.


Sports discussion
Oct 22, 2014
In a house
Hoopla Cash
$ 46,233.00
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I agree, that team is ultra talented but is not playing up to the sum of its parts.