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What is the Laker's end game?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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I hope for Lakers fan sake that there is a solid plan B that would at least have them in playoff contention next year. Don't want to miss on your plan A and end up being a 25-30 win team for another season.

Yeah, the problem is, with the draft pick situation plan A depends on landing a top tier FA. They can't really bank on losing enough to land another high draft pick because it's only top 3 protected. This seriously weakens any kind of plan B. They can hope to make a trade to improve the team, but to get anyone of real value, they'd likely have to part with Russell, Randle or Clarkson, which would be pretty dumb unless they can get a top, relatively young player who wants out of his current situation.

While Lakers fans won't be happy about it if plan A doesn't pan out, we knew there was this possibility when they went all in on Dwightmare/Nash.

Fortunately, in basketball, you can turn your team into a contender overnight by adding a top player or 2.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, the problem is, with the draft pick situation plan A depends on landing a top tier FA. They can't really bank on losing enough to land another high draft pick because it's only top 3 protected. This seriously weakens any kind of plan B. They can hope to make a trade to improve the team, but to get anyone of real value, they'd likely have to part with Russell, Randle or Clarkson, which would be pretty dumb unless they can get a top, relatively young player who wants out of his current situation.

While Lakers fans won't be happy about it if plan A doesn't pan out, we knew there was this possibility when they went all in on Dwightmare/Nash.

Fortunately, in basketball, you can turn your team into a contender overnight by adding a top player or 2.

With the available cap space that the Lakers will have, a quick turnaround could happen this summer. If they are fortunate enough to land a top-3 pick next summer, especially #1, that is a huge trade chip which could bring in a top player. Things looked bleak a couple years ago. Now with three youngsters who I think will be very good NBA players, a ton of cap space, and a possible top-3 pick, the post-Kobe future is looking much better.


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Plan A depends on convincing a top level FA or 2 to come to LA. The only Plan B that I can think of is that if they don't land a top tier FA in this coming market, to try and add a couple of solid, 2nd tier guys to improve the team a little more and try again the following season.

It's what makes finding a happy medium between the Kobe farewell tour and developing the young guys so important. If the Lakers can get more games out of Russell and Randle like we saw the other night vs. Minny, then they should be more attractive to top tier guys.

Plan B is what happened to the Knicks last year when they could not get a top level FA. (Lopez, Afflalo, DerekWill) They got somewhat lucky when they ignored knuckleheads like Stephen A and took Porzingis.

This coming year, the Knicks will also try the sign a top level FA. (ideally a PG)


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
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With the available cap space that the Lakers will have, a quick turnaround could happen this summer. If they are fortunate enough to land a top-3 pick next summer, especially #1, that is a huge trade chip which could bring in a top player. Things looked bleak a couple years ago. Now with three youngsters who I think will be very good NBA players, a ton of cap space, and a possible top-3 pick, the post-Kobe future is looking much better.

I agree. As much as I hate to say it, I could even see them parting with Russell, Randle or Clarkson in a trade to make room for the right FA. For example, if they feel like they can get Westbrook, maybe they are willing to part with Clarkson either in a trade for Westbrook (obviously that would require Westbrook to force a trade to the Lakers) unless they wait until 2017. Or part with him to make space for Westbrook and fill a different position of need.

I just hope the kids keep improving because cap space will be the least of the Lakers problems this off-season. They just need to make themselves attractive to top FA's.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
$ 16,709.00
Fav. Team #1
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Plan B is what happened to the Knicks last year when they could not get a top level FA. (Lopez, Afflalo, DerekWill) They got somewhat lucky when they ignored knuckleheads like Stephen A and took Porzingis.

This coming year, the Knicks will also try the sign a top level FA. (ideally a PG)

Yeah, that's likely the Lakers plan B as well. It's worked out well for the Knicks. I think the Knicks are the only team that didn't miss on Porzingis. No one expected him to go that quickly.