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What is the Laker's end game?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Tonight Randle and Russell played well and for most of the 4th and OT. But that just further confuses me about what the hell Byron is doing.

He commented about it after the game. I don't remember his exact comments, but it boiled down to wanting to see how they responded to the benching and he said they responded well.

The only logical explanation I can think of is Byron making them earn the trust required to be out there in those situations. It's what they did with Kobe and Byron was Kobe's mentor for his rookie season. As I've said before though, that was a completely different team. That team was going to the playoffs no matter how much Kobe played, so they had the luxury of bringing him along slowly. This team doesn't have that luxury. This team needs to develop these guys as quickly as possible so they can be players in the FA and trade markets.

More games like Russell and Randle had last night, the more attractive the Lakers become. But to have more of those games, they need to play.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
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You're talking about 2 different issues here. One is, what is managements plan? The second is the coaching.

Managements plan is for Randle, Russell, Clarkson and maybe Nance, to develop enough that a top FA or 2 figure they can win with them long term. Similar to Lebron returning to Cleveland because of Kyrie, Tristan Thompson and the ability to get Love.

As for Byron and his rotations, your guess is as good as mine. Like I posted on the Lakers board: Maybe, by the end of the season, we'll all be talking about how Byron knew what he was doing all along. But so far, I watch Lakers games and think to myself: I can't believe I stuck up for this guy and said it was a good hire.

Management, at least publicly, has supported Byron Scott every step of the way. They've said they're sympathetic to his situation and support him as their future coach. If management's plan is to develop the young players, then it's their fault Scott is continuing to fail at coaching up this roster.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Management, at least publicly, has supported Byron Scott every step of the way. They've said they're sympathetic to his situation and support him as their future coach. If management's plan is to develop the young players, then it's their fault Scott is continuing to fail at coaching up this roster.

Byron will survive this season and will be fired soon after it ends. Mitch did question the development of the youth so far this season which is obviously questioning what Byron is doing and the front office indicated that they will evaluate Byron at the end of the season.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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They have the cap room for:

PG: Russell
SG: Clarkson
SF: Durant
PF: Randle
C: Whiteside

Throw in a possible top-3 draft pick asset and a new coach and the Lakers have their end game.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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They have the cap room for:

PG: Russell
SG: Clarkson
SF: Durant
PF: Randle
C: Whiteside

Throw in a possible top-3 draft pick asset and a new coach and the Lakers have their end game.

Why would Durant want to leave for a rebuilding process? He wants two things in his career right now: Championship and Money. Lakers only fulfill one of those criteria.

If anything, the team with Free Agent money to toss around that makes the most sense is actually Atlanta. Play in the East, would have a solid core, including superior coaching and a system to fit all his strengths.


Apr 18, 2013
Los Angeles
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Why would Durant want to leave for a rebuilding process? He wants two things in his career right now: Championship and Money. Lakers only fulfill one of those criteria.

If anything, the team with Free Agent money to toss around that makes the most sense is actually Atlanta. Play in the East, would have a solid core, including superior coaching and a system to fit all his strengths.

I doubt he does. More of a pipe dream end game, but no doubt that the Lakers will make a max contract pitch to KD.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Management, at least publicly, has supported Byron Scott every step of the way. They've said they're sympathetic to his situation and support him as their future coach. If management's plan is to develop the young players, then it's their fault Scott is continuing to fail at coaching up this roster.

I tend to agree with this. Heard an interesting comment on Cowherd today that makes a lot of sense re: Byron's rotations and the benching of Russell and Randle.

It's Cowherd quoting what he was told by Christine Leahy, so take it for what it's worth. He said that she told him that Byron benched Randle and Russell because playing alongside Kobe is hampering their development. This may also explain why, when Byron asked Kobe last night, what he wanted to do if the game was still close with 6-7 minutes left, Kobe said "Let them go. Let's see what they do."

The Lakers are caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Kobe. On the one hand, he has earned his farewell tour because of all that he has meant to the franchise with the titles, money he's made them, the fact that he's played his entire 20 year career with the Lakers, etc.

On the other hand, it also hurts the development of the young guys. Imo, the best thy can hope for is that some sort of happy medium can be reached where Kobe has his farewell tour without hindering the development of the young guys.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Why would Durant want to leave for a rebuilding process? He wants two things in his career right now: Championship and Money. Lakers only fulfill one of those criteria.

I think that how willing Durant is to come to the Lakers will be determined by what the young guys look like at the end of the season. It will likely be similar to Lebron returning to Cleveland. If Kyrie and Tristan didn't develop and they didn't have the assets to get Love, Lebron is in Miami. If Russell, Randle and Clarkson look good, Durant may decide to sign with the Lakers. Especially if they can land another strong FA to the roster. That would give him both money and the ability to contend within a season or 2.

The one thing about basketball is that the addition of one or 2 players can take a team from the lottery to the finals pretty much overnight.


Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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I tend to agree with this. Heard an interesting comment on Cowherd today that makes a lot of sense re: Byron's rotations and the benching of Russell and Randle.

It's Cowherd quoting what he was told by Christine Leahy, so take it for what it's worth. He said that she told him that Byron benched Randle and Russell because playing alongside Kobe is hampering their development. This may also explain why, when Byron asked Kobe last night, what he wanted to do if the game was still close with 6-7 minutes left, Kobe said "Let them go. Let's see what they do."

The Lakers are caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to Kobe. On the one hand, he has earned his farewell tour because of all that he has meant to the franchise with the titles, money he's made them, the fact that he's played his entire 20 year career with the Lakers, etc.

On the other hand, it also hurts the development of the young guys. Imo, the best thy can hope for is that some sort of happy medium can be reached where Kobe has his farewell tour without hindering the development of the young guys.

This kind of blows my mind.

I don't know how true this could be, but if it is, it's a next level mind game approach for Scott. It would accomplish letting Randle and Russell get more freedom with the second unit to make mistakes and also let Kobe self determine when he needs to take a back seat. It would also assist in them losing some additional games which would help them to retain their pick.

That would be jedi level mastery right there. Problem is I don't know if Scott planned that or it might just actually be a benefit of the randomness in his coaching style.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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This kind of blows my mind.

I don't know how true this could be, but if it is, it's a next level mind game approach for Scott. It would accomplish letting Randle and Russell get more freedom with the second unit to make mistakes and also let Kobe self determine when he needs to take a back seat. It would also assist in them losing some additional games which would help them to retain their pick.

That would be jedi level mastery right there. Problem is I don't know if Scott planned that or it might just actually be a benefit of the randomness in his coaching style.

I don't know how true it is either. I know we'll likely never hear those words uttered by Byron or any other member of the Lakers organization with their name attached to it. Whether intentional or dumb luck, he may have stumbled across a way to make this all work for the best. :noidea:


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Apr 18, 2013
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I don't know how true it is either. I know we'll likely never hear those words uttered by Byron or any other member of the Lakers organization with their name attached to it. Whether intentional or dumb luck, he may have stumbled across a way to make this all work for the best. :noidea:

The issue that I have with it is that Clarkson, Randle and Russell need to get better playing side by side. Clarkson and Russell need to work on their chemistry in the backcourt and moving Russell to the bench isn't helping that much.


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This kind of blows my mind.

I don't know how true this could be, but if it is, it's a next level mind game approach for Scott. It would accomplish letting Randle and Russell get more freedom with the second unit to make mistakes and also let Kobe self determine when he needs to take a back seat. It would also assist in them losing some additional games which would help them to retain their pick.

That would be jedi level mastery right there. Problem is I don't know if Scott planned that or it might just actually be a benefit of the randomness in his coaching style.

Trust me, Byron Scott did not think of that on purpose


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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The issue that I have with it is that Clarkson, Randle and Russell need to get better playing side by side. Clarkson and Russell need to work on their chemistry in the backcourt and moving Russell to the bench isn't helping that much.

I agree to a point. The problem is, they can't work on developing that chemistry when they are on the floor with Kobe and you can't bring Kobe off the bench.

It's certainly not an ideal situation, but there's only so much they can do.


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Laker's end game? I'm going out a limb here, but I think that with the money that won't be going to Kobe, the Lakers go for a high end free agent. If Lebron doesn't win a title in Cleveland this year or next.....I could see him going to the big show in LA.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Durant next season.

Lebron and Westbrook the next. Could happen.

I could see Durant or Westbrook ending up with the Lakers, but not both and definitely not Lebron. I think they have a better shot at Westbrook than Durant (although they will make the best offer they possibly can to Durant). Westbrook is from the LA area, played his high school ball there and went to UCLA.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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is there a plan b?


Plan A depends on convincing a top level FA or 2 to come to LA. The only Plan B that I can think of is that if they don't land a top tier FA in this coming market, to try and add a couple of solid, 2nd tier guys to improve the team a little more and try again the following season.

It's what makes finding a happy medium between the Kobe farewell tour and developing the young guys so important. If the Lakers can get more games out of Russell and Randle like we saw the other night vs. Minny, then they should be more attractive to top tier guys.


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Plan A depends on convincing a top level FA or 2 to come to LA. The only Plan B that I can think of is that if they don't land a top tier FA in this coming market, to try and add a couple of solid, 2nd tier guys to improve the team a little more and try again the following season.

It's what makes finding a happy medium between the Kobe farewell tour and developing the young guys so important. If the Lakers can get more games out of Russell and Randle like we saw the other night vs. Minny, then they should be more attractive to top tier guys.

I hope for Lakers fan sake that there is a solid plan B that would at least have them in playoff contention next year. Don't want to miss on your plan A and end up being a 25-30 win team for another season.