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What is the end goal in Philly?


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Apr 16, 2013
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They're well on their way to yet another 60+ losses this season and doesn't seem to be improving. I think they went about this rebuilding process the wrong way. Recent history has proven that building strictly through the draft does not work unless you're getting an all time great like James or Durant.


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I would say they're tanking but it looks like they're actually giving some sort of effort this year.


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They're well on their way to yet another 60+ losses this season and doesn't seem to be improving. I think they went about this rebuilding process the wrong way. Recent history has proven that building strictly through the draft does not work unless you're getting an all time great like James or Durant.

From what I've read, the plan is to tank and get high draft picks until they hit the bulls eye and draft an ATG like LBJ or Durant. It seems like they haven't found that guy yet.


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Apr 16, 2013
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From what I've read, the plan is to tank and get high draft picks until they hit the bulls eye and draft an ATG like LBJ or Durant. It seems like they haven't found that guy yet.

Not sure if they ever will. Stupid plan if you ask me


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
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They're gonna need to bring in a star player to lead all these draft picks. They got some nice young talent, but the veteran leadership and a go to guy is something they just don't have. And if they don't get that player soon these players will go through their rookie contracts and get out of town. Whether the Kings plan this year to improve the team in hopes to make the playoffs works out or not, it's better than a rebuild that has no end in site.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Right now they are just acquiring assets. I think this is their last year of just straight out asset collection. And- to be honest- in some ways it kinda makes sense you go after the big men first since they take longer to develop...

Say they get like the 1st pick, and the 5th pick- their own and the Lakers- and Dario Saric comes over- which he is predicted to do....

You have your SF in Saric....you have your front court in Noel and Okafor---- and hope Embiid can get healthy enough to start to develop.....and you use those 2 picks on back court players- which historically can come into the league and have an impact pretty quickly....plus they have other draft picks first rounders- like from the Kings/Nuggets etc.- that they can use to trade for vets.

The next offseason is DEFINITELY the most crucial for the Sixers- and will mark a change from a strategy of tanking- to actually building the team.

Its kinda just what the Cavs did...the Cavs used 3 seasons and 3 drafts to acquire assets, draft players high etc...before they went out and either dealt those players and picks, or kept them- and those pieces were attractive enough of course to lure LeBron back home--- but even if LeBron was not back home- they were still trying to sign Heyward (or another max FA)- until LeBron called and said he wanted a meeting- BECAUSE the Cavs had done such a great job acquiring assets to allow LeBron the chance to play with Love and KI.....

its pretty much what the Twolves are doing, OKC did, the Cavs did....the Sixers are doing....


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2015
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Right now they are just acquiring assets. I think this is their last year of just straight out asset collection. And- to be honest- in some ways it kinda makes sense you go after the big men first since they take longer to develop...

Say they get like the 1st pick, and the 5th pick- their own and the Lakers- and Dario Saric comes over- which he is predicted to do....

You have your SF in Saric....you have your front court in Noel and Okafor---- and hope Embiid can get healthy enough to start to develop.....and you use those 2 picks on back court players- which historically can come into the league and have an impact pretty quickly....plus they have other draft picks first rounders- like from the Kings/Nuggets etc.- that they can use to trade for vets.

The next offseason is DEFINITELY the most crucial for the Sixers- and will mark a change from a strategy of tanking- to actually building the team.

Its kinda just what the Cavs did...the Cavs used 3 seasons and 3 drafts to acquire assets, draft players high etc...before they went out and either dealt those players and picks, or kept them- and those pieces were attractive enough of course to lure LeBron back home--- but even if LeBron was not back home- they were still trying to sign Heyward (or another max FA)- until LeBron called and said he wanted a meeting- BECAUSE the Cavs had done such a great job acquiring assets to allow LeBron the chance to play with Love and KI.....

its pretty much what the Twolves are doing, OKC did, the Cavs did....the Sixers are doing....
Every single one of your posts turns into something about the Cavs even if the topic doesn't have anything to do with them...


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Apr 16, 2013
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Every single one of your posts turns into something about the Cavs even if the topic doesn't have anything to do with them...

Yep he's a shitty poster


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Apr 19, 2013
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Yep he's a shitty poster
I was with Wiggy on this one until it turned into a Cavs post.

Really, what options have the 76ers had? They don't have the vets, have had no pieces anyone would trade a bag of balls for, and have little appeal for free agents. They have to build through the draft. They have stocked up some bigs who look like they will work out given time, as bigs often take. Now they will try to get a qualtiy PG, which are much more common these days and some shooters. If Embiid ever gets healthy and plays well they may even finally have an asset to trade for some veteran leadership or quality player (or actually have a little depth). They have just sunk so low they really have had no other road out.


Jul 7, 2013
Scottsdale, Arizona
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If they get Ben Simmons and Saric is legit they're actually in great shape.

Simmons is that good. If they don't get him then they're basically screwed.


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Jul 17, 2014
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I was with Wiggy on this one until it turned into a Cavs post.

Really, what options have the 76ers had? They don't have the vets, have had no pieces anyone would trade a bag of balls for, and have little appeal for free agents. They have to build through the draft. They have stocked up some bigs who look like they will work out given time, as bigs often take. Now they will try to get a qualtiy PG, which are much more common these days and some shooters. If Embiid ever gets healthy and plays well they may even finally have an asset to trade for some veteran leadership or quality player (or actually have a little depth). They have just sunk so low they really have had no other road out.
because its the EXACT same thing that OKC did, that the Cavs did...Sixers now....


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Jul 17, 2014
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Every single one of your posts turns into something about the Cavs even if the topic doesn't have anything to do with them...
nd this is what a lot of people fail to realize- they just ASSUME a lot of these high picks are gonna work out- you might need 2 or 3 or 4 picks in the top 10 or even top 5 before you get a Kyrie, or RW, or Towns or Wiggins etc...let alone a Durant or LeBron. BUT without that type of guy- you are going ANYWHERE- so you gotta keep trying until you get one- and give yourself as many opportunities to get one as possible.

Like the Sixers right now- out of Embiid, Saric, Noel, Okafor- their high picks- not one of those guys is guaranteed to ever make an all star team- maybe one of them does, maybe 2 of them- maybe none of them---- same with the Lakers- maybe Russell and Randle make an all star team or two- but chances are- only ONE of them will- and even that is not guaranteed.

out of Embiid, Saric, Noel, Okafor- plus THEIR pick, plus the Lakers pick- MAYBE out of those 6 high draft picks 2 guys become all stars-

if you are OKC and just hit on everything- with Durant, RW, Harden AND Ibaka.....and go 4/4 which is unheard of....

thats why you want to try and add those extra picks - to give yourself more chances. The Cavs did that. OKC did that. The Sixers are doing that. The Twolves have just been really bad for really long- and of course made the Love deal.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
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because its the EXACT same thing that OKC did, that the Cavs did...Sixers now....

One difference is those 2 teams kept at least a few veterans around, guys like Nick Collison and Andy Varejao. Philly takes it to more of an extreme. They don't care if they reach the salary floor. They don't care about if they have players with more than a year of experience on the court whatsoever. Their last 2 seasons and this are really like extended try-outs. I don't have a beef with what they're doing but if more than 1 team at a time is doing it at once especially 2 teams in the same conference, it will be detrimental to the NBA product.


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Jul 17, 2014
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One difference is those 2 teams kept at least a few veterans around, guys like Nick Collison and Andy Varejao. Philly takes it to more of an extreme. They don't care if they reach the salary floor. They don't care about if they have players with more than a year of experience on the court whatsoever. Their last 2 seasons and this are really like extended try-outs. I don't have a beef with what they're doing but if more than 1 team at a time is doing it at once especially 2 teams in the same conference, it will be detrimental to the NBA product.
I agree with that....if 3-4 teams did this at the same time it would look really bad.

Two interesting cases of rebuilds are the Hawks and Celtics- who, neither team REALLY bottomed out that bad, but both have made good progress- Atlanta getting to the ECF last year- and the Celtics just starting building their team now- the Celtics have all those Brooklyn picks though which makes them a very interesting case.

I cant really argue with what Philly is doing either- but this HAS to be the last year of it....I get that becauuse of EMbiids injury and Saric staying over another year the rebuild mightve gotten pushed back a little bit- but after this offseason they are gonna have to start adding vets and dealing some picks and forming a team- instead of a collection of talent and future picks.


Apr 17, 2013
Appleton, Wisconsin
Hoopla Cash
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Same as the Lakers thanks to Jim Buss but I do like Randle and think Russell will be just fine. Kobe please retire. How many more missed 3 pt shots must I watch?


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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id take the Sixers roster and future assets over the Lakers without a second thought.

No one gives a fuck what you'd take. This thread has nothing to do with the Lakers. It's about the 76ers. Try to keep up or shut the fuck up.

I think I speak for the rest of us when I say, the latter option is the preferred option.


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Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
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Philly has 4 first rounders in the next draft.

Their own.

Lakers top 3 protected

Miami top 10 protected

OKC lotto protected....

and you have to remember- Dario Saric fell to where he did in the draft because people knew he was not coming over for 2 years. If he was in the upcoming draft hes a possible top 5 pick.

You add Saric, and say the 1st, 5th, 20th and 22nd picks......to what they have: Noel, Embiid, Okafor, you can see the start of a team- a team that also has a TON of cap room.

Its not a bad place to be in....was it WORTH it to tank 3 seasons or whatever? ehh...who knows...depends on if one of these guys they have or getting next draft turn into a big time star. If that happens- then the rest of the guys fall in pretty nice as #2s and #3s, and that doesnt even count any free agents they can sign with oodles of cap room.

The worst place to be in the NBA is the middle. Id rather sacrifice a season or two if it means possibly getting a multi time all star that is a future top 20 guy in the league- as opposed to winning 40 games and losing in the first round