Touching...a Caps fan bonding moment.Oh, good, atleast I'm not alone....we can feel stupid together...
As you can see, I just got Tox on board (Welcome Tox! up, there are some gems in these threads already from yesterday). I also sent a shout out to Boss and IPW again. The more people that do it, the better success we will have.Good morning.
I am trying to get some wings posters over here.
dare, if you see Eddie Shack, tell him to check his message. I just sent it but never let him know. I also just called out Bloodwingz, kindachang, goose and kenyg on the wings board. I am thinking of adding detroit schlegs to the invite list too.
welcome Tox. A good start for the second day.
I sent to superflyer, and he responded in the E$PN messaging, but hasn't signed up yet. Gagnefire is here too.Did you guys invite superflyer also? I may need back up from time to time. haha
Thanks for the invite Dare2be!!! I'm onboard.
Greetings from the Left Coast on a soggy Tuesday morning. Speaking of soggy, we needs to get his soggybottom onto this board.
Thanks for the invite Dare2be!!! I'm onboard.
Touching...a Caps fan bonding moment.
I felt compelled to respond to this because it was over a discussion of my username, and I couldn't resist taking a shot at that wide-open net.![]()
Just wondering if you guys have sent out an invite to gnoseb (in my opinion, a very solid poster awash in the sea of gunk over there). Of course, we already have enough Pens fans over here ;-)