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Game Thread: Week 6: 49ers @ Redskins


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Jul 5, 2013
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I'm taken back by some of the responses here to this week's game. Shark's response is no surprise since he apparently is always waiting for the other shoe to drop regarding this team. While that may be a fair assessment in years past, THIS team has proven to be different than years past. It's early (1/4) in the season but unless you just are not paying attention or know nothing about football, then you can see this current REDSKIN team is better than anything we have witnessed in the past say 5 years. We obviously haven't had our coming out game on offense yet but in my opinion we will, this week!

We are at home, playing the 0-5 49er's. Granted, they are not likely 0-5 bad but not very good either. We should handle them at home without Norman just fine. If we are truly handling our business one week at a time as I have heard multiple times then our sole focus should be on this week. I expect them to win based on what has transpired to date and if we do not win, I would be 100% surprised.

Skins 34
49er's 19


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Other than Shark, on a straight up bet, I do not see anybody betting against us. That being said, to think there is no chance we lose is equally foolish. We have a history of playing down to opponents.

Yes. He 49ers are 0-5 bad. They have lost to the Cardinals and the Colts.


US ARMY retired /mod.
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we will find out . we should win this game. losing a conference games hurts in the playoff picture . however the 49ers could be 4-1 just as easily and if the team takes them lightly we could lose


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Jul 19, 2013
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Perine getting that bulk of the carries Sunday. Its time to step up Perine. Lets go!!!


Still Not a Player
Jul 8, 2013
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kyle presser

San Francisco 49ers Head Coach Kyle Shanahan

On what stood out about QB Kirk Cousins and why he had a strong belief in him:

“I mean, we could see it on tape. We were excited from what we saw in his college film and that’s what we liked the most about him and that’s why we wanted him. What we saw on tape, he was everything the same in practice and the more you are around the guy you became even more impressed of how special of a person he is.”

On Cousins’ development:

“I feel like he looks like the same guy I’ve always seen. Obviously the more you play, the more opportunities you get, the better you get with reps. But he looks exactly like the guy I remember from practices out there and I know he will be a tough challenge for our defense.”

On what he saw from Cousins’ qualities on the field:

“I have to be careful talking too much. Like all these pocket passers, guys who can hang in the pocket, deliver the ball, who are accurate, don’t watch the rush, very tough and can go through a progression very easily.”

On if he has talked to WR Pierre Garçon to calm his emotions in his return to Washington:

“No, I think Pierre plays at his best when he is a little – a little more angry. He really gets to that spot, really every week. I think it would be hard for him to get much higher or much worse. That’s just his style of play and that’s what makes him who he is. That’s one of the reasons I’ve always loved Pierre and really wanted him to be a Niner. I know that it’s exciting for him to go back, especially a place that he had such a good history with – with the Redskins – but that’s not something I’m ever trying to calm down because I think that is what separates Pierre from everyone else.”

On what gave him the belief to sign Garçon at 31 years old:

“Just from watching him on tape. You never know when you’re away from a guy, and as they do get older you can’t just look at stats and look at numbers. You have got to see it with your own eyes and when I watched him on tape I thought he looked like the same guy. I didn’t think he had changed at all in the four years. I know Pierre works. I know he takes care of his body and I know he plays the game the right way. When we studied him, looking at all the free agents that were available, Pierre was right there at the top of the list. It reminded me of just how he was about five years before that when we studied him and we thought he was at the top of the list when we were at Washington.”

On if he signed Garçon to help change the culture in San Francisco:

“It definitely helps but my first thing was to look at all the receivers available and to see who I thought was the best and who could help us the most. Then when you look into that and you stack them up versus everyone, I thought Pierre was right up there with one of the best guys available and when it’s a guy that you know and you know what he brings to the table, that even adds more. That’s why he was so important for me to get. Pierre adds a mentality to an offense where it’s hard to have a receiver add a mentality of the offense that makes your offense a physical offense. Pierre is one of those special types of people who can do that. He plays so tough. He doesn’t turn anything down. He plays every play whether it’s a run or a pass play and that’s what I expect. We try to hold everyone accountable to that and when you give guys money to come places, I want to make sure that you give money to the people who are going to do things the right way and are going to play the way that you demand. Pierre is a perfect example of that.”

On Vice President Mike Pence leaving their game last week in Indianapolis:

“I found out after the game and I respect his opinion to feel that way. I can understand his opinion to feel that way just like I understand and respect the players that are kneeling and why they’re doing it. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion and I respect both sides, but I also know I am not going to sit here and have an opinion on other peoples’ opinions. I think people do what they think is right and I can understand both aspects.”

On if anything has changed in his team’s policy since the memo issued by Commissioner Roger Goodell:

“I haven’t seen the memo yet. I deal with our players and it really hasn’t been too big of a deal to our players. It’s not something I hear them talking about. It’s not something that they’re planning or anything. If I hear them talking about it more and they want to do something then I will always talk to them about anything, but really right now I am so prepared to try to get our first win in and looking at all that stuff that it hasn’t been talked about in our building.”

On if it is hard to stay focused after losing close games:

“It’s a challenge. I mean, it’s not a challenge because of the guys, but it is a challenge when you put so much into something and you come that close. I think there are two teams in NFL history that have lost four games in a row by three points or less and we are one of them. So that is tough. It does wear on you. You take a couple days to recover. The players came back in today and you go back to work. You have got to focus on getting better. Yeah, we were close in a bunch of those games, but we still lost. You have to sit there and figure out why and how you can figure out how to do better longer. It’s nice to be in these games and have a chance to win, but we have got to get over that hump and find a way to finish one. It’s come down to really the last play here four weeks in a row and we can’t sit here and feel sorry for ourselves or it will only get worse. I know it is going to get worse or it’s going to get better and we have got to make sure we just keep working and if we keep working, I think good things will happen.”

On lessons he learned in Washington that are helping him as a head coach:

“Just to be yourself. I went through a lot of different situations in Washington. Especially prior to getting there, things had been pretty easy for the two years I was a coordinator in Houston with some of the talent we had. Going to Washington and trying to do the same things and trying to have to adjust year in and year out to just different personnel, I thought I learned a lot from a coordinator’s standpoint on different things you could do and different ways you could win even when not everything was ideal and how you wanted it schematically from a personnel standpoint. But more from a head coach standpoint too, I thought I got extremely battle-tested in Washington. To be in a place like the market they had, to have the same last name as the head coach, to where every time someone talks about the team they say ‘the Shanahans’ and add an ‘S’ to the end. So I think I went through some stuff as a coordinator that most people don’t go through until they become a head coach. And I watched some head coaches go through things for the first time and I can see it bothers them, and I’m like, ‘Man, I’ve been going through this for a long time.’ So now I’ve become a head coach and I just feel more battle-tested. I feel like I had to go through a bunch of stuff that wasn’t always fun, but it’s something that I never regret and wouldn’t take it back for anything because I think it has made me a better person, a better coach and prepared me more to be good where I am at.”


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Jul 4, 2013
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Was that you on the radio at 5:30 this morning Kirk "shark" Morrison?

NAh, at 5:30 I was actually on the phone with a customer in the UK. Occasionally I do have to actually WORK in order to afford my Redskins habit. :thumb:

Sportster 72

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Jul 17, 2013
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Should the Redskins win, of course. If you think they can't lose then I would have to question your knowledge of the game. Week in and week out we see upsets. Pretty sure that is where the saying "on any given Sunday."

Now if they do lose I will be disappointed.


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Jul 5, 2013
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Should the Redskins win, of course. If you think they can't lose then I would have to question your knowledge of the game. Week in and week out we see upsets. Pretty sure that is where the saying "on any given Sunday."

Now if they do lose I will be disappointed.
I said they shouldn't lose this game. Just from a personnel stand point, we are a much better team. Yeah, I get the "any given Sunday" cliché since this year has proven that over and over and we are only going into week 6. I guess I have always taken the approach from either a player or coaching perspective and that was, I expected to win every time I stepped on the field. In this case, our Skins are better than the 49er's so we should expect to win. Now let's hope so!


Sportster 72

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Jul 17, 2013
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I said they shouldn't lose this game. Just from a personnel stand point, we are a much better team. Yeah, I get the "any given Sunday" cliché since this year has proven that over and over and we are only going into week 6. I guess I have always taken the approach from either a player or coaching perspective and that was, I expected to win every time I stepped on the field. In this case, our Skins are better than the 49er's so we should expect to win. Now let's hope so!


From the players stand point they should expect to win if they go out and execute. Something Joe Gibbs always preached "if we do our job we should win." I am paraphrasing.


Still Not a Player
Jul 8, 2013
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injury report

