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WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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When people say refs can't affect the outcome of a game I laugh…. OF COURSE THEY CAN… There were some tough call's out there.. For the most part I think the refs have done pretty good as far as letting the teams play in this playoff run so far… They seem to be allowing more hits and not calling PI's as much as earlier in the year which is good… That being said there were some tough call's out there with the personal foul before halftime, The fantom NON reviewable turnover which ironically we gave it right back anyway with better field position… BUT STILL should a been your ball anyway… At the end of the day though I don't think the final score wasn't dictated by the refs because the game was in the balance and we got it done…. 49rs definitely had there chances… It was a helluva game to watch…

They were going overboard with ticky-tack calls earlier in the year. I read an article saying that the penalties were down like 40% or something in the playoffs. Overall, it has been better.

But I'm not even referring to the Bowman turnover because you guys are all parroting the same line: "It ended up in your favor anyway". If that play had resulted in a dagger of a touchdown from Lynch like I was expecting, I GUARANTEE that parroted line would look something like: "Too bad, so sad. Deal with it".

The running into the punter call was huge in my opinion because it should have extended our drive, and at the very least, given us better field position, lessening your likeliness of taking the go-ahead score if I remember correctly. And the personal foul call before halftime prevented us from taking shots for more points. But it is what it is.


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Jul 17, 2013
Mill Creek, WA
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Oh my God, Harold whatever you do please do NOT ban this Joshuara guy. He is too precious to ban. I am absolutely loving his bitter posts. I feel bad for a guy like Ninersickness who is always classy, but watching this Joshuara clown come unglued is priceless.

Ditto! This guy's meltdown was EPIC! I just read through a bunch of his posts near the end of the game and afterwards and I can't stop laughing! I which I could have collected his tears and put them into a champagne glass.



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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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They were going overboard with ticky-tack calls earlier in the year. I read an article saying that the penalties were down like 40% or something in the playoffs. Overall, it has been better.

But I'm not even referring to the Bowman turnover because you guys are all parroting the same line: "It ended up in your favor anyway". If that play had resulted in a dagger of a touchdown from Lynch like I was expecting, I GUARANTEE that parroted line would look something like: "Too bad, so sad. Deal with it".

The running into the punter call was huge in my opinion because it should have extended our drive, and at the very least, given us better field position, lessening your likeliness of taking the go-ahead score if I remember correctly. And the personal foul call before halftime prevented us from taking shots for more points. But it is what it is.

Fair enough. But what about the ticky tack holding call on Sherman that would have stopped the drive for your first TD and also what about the cheap shot by someone in plain clothes on the sideline when Lane got pushed out of bounds?

Calls could have gone either way, but for the most part I think they were fair in this game. I was actually hoping the Hawks got stopped on the 4th and 1 play because I did not want to win that way, but from a current rules perspective, the refs called it correctly. If they did not see change of possession, and someone else has it in the scrum, it is not reviewable. Obviously, that rule needs to change, but as the current rules are stated, it was the correct call since no ref saw the ball pop out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Fair enough. But what about the ticky tack holding call on Sherman that would have stopped the drive for your first TD and also what about the cheap shot by someone in plain clothes on the sideline when Lane got pushed out of bounds?

Calls could have gone either way, but for the most part I think they were fair in this game. I was actually hoping the Hawks got stopped on the 4th and 1 play because I did not want to win that way, but from a current rules perspective, the refs called it correctly. If they did not see change of possession, and someone else has it in the scrum, it is not reviewable. Obviously, that rule needs to change, but as the current rules are stated, it was the correct call since no ref saw the ball pop out.

I'm trying not to be biased here, but as we all know, that can be difficult. I'll try my best with the calls you brought up.

My personal thoughts on the Sherman call were that it should have been called, but that referees have not been consistent with it. I don't think it was an obvious penalty, but I think it had just enough contact that it should have been called. On a scale of flagged penalties, with 0 being an obvious no-call and 100 being an obvious call, I'd put that one at about 60. Unfortunately, their lack of consistency on this, especially in the regular season, has left me puzzled quite a few times with similar calls.

I didn't see an intentional cheap shot on the out of bounds play. I saw it once and I was under the impression that he needed to make more of an effort to get back on the field instead of running down the sidelines, but nothing flag-worthy. I only saw it once, but I didn't see the guy intentionally get into Lane's way. I guess my thoughts were "That's what can happen to you if you try running down a crowded sideline instead of getting back on the field". I'll look at it again if you think there was something fishy there.

I agree with you about the Bowman play. Not the refs fault at all - that's all on the rules committee.


Aug 8, 2013
Silverdale, WA
Hoopla Cash
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So what exactly does it take for a fan outside of our board to get banned from it? lol. I mean I enjoy his pain as much as the next guy, but after he says he hopes our team plane goes down in flames I'm pretty sure he has gone so far there is no coming back.

I'm sure most of the SF fans don't share his stupidity, but boy is he trying really hard to make them all look like whiny little poorsport bitches.

When your QB throws 3 INTs in the 4th quarter of a game on the road including the play that seals the loss for your team I don't see how any rational person can blame the refs. Sure there were bad calls/missed calls. No one denies that, but it's a special kind of butt hurt going on with this classless loser.

Let along keeping us at 3 pm in the 1st half, and then letting us outscore them 20-7 in the 2nd half. What the hell happened to their defense? I remember hearinga about that now that Crabtree was back, that there was no way we could handle Boldin, Davis, Gore and Crab....I sure didn't hear much about them during the game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
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Lane was obviously hit out of bounds and whoever the guy it, he will be getting a large fine for it. Lane got knocked out out of bounds and was trying to get back on the field as quickly as possible. NFL looking into sideline hit on Jeremy Lane - SBNation.com

Yeah I'm not sure how anyone can deny that took place with a straight face. If the guy who hit him doesn't get fined, I'd be very surprised and very disappointed. It was bad enough that it didn't get flagged.