Black Adam
Cowards WILL BE cowards..
Another mistake, #6...

That clown literally knows nothing about the game. Refs refs refs. Lakers get more free throws than any team in the league. Refs refs refs.Warriors just outplaying them
That clown literally knows nothing about the game. Refs refs refs. Lakers get more free throws than any team in the league. Refs refs refs.
This one in particular is terrible. Total front runner shows up when they're up 2-1 in the 2nd round and all he adds to the convo is refs refs refsThat's what kills me about certain lakers fans here and mostly on twitter. You led the league in ft attempts by a wide margin so continously crying about the refs is funny to me
Yeah it’s just memes honestly but thought the calls on Davis were weak.Warriors just outplaying them
And the warriors were like 28th in fouls. That’s what they do is foul, Green gets endless arguing with ref passes.That's what kills me about certain lakers fans here and mostly on twitter. You led the league in ft attempts by a wide margin so continously crying about the refs is funny to me
K, wishful thinking...Get it down to single digits and you might have a chance...