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Was that our defense?


Free Agent from Elsewhere
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Or did we hire on the Mariners' bullpen?

Seriously, considering what we've become the last few years, there is just NO EXCUSE for blowing a lead like that.

I certainly hope PC came down on everyone after that embarrassment.


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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think it was the O that didn't pick up the slack though... Our D held the #1 offense in check for most of the game... But our O had what, 6 punts on the last 6 possessions ? We just didn't do anything offensively down the stretch ... Hell our D even put up 7 points... I'm not freaking out about our defense, I think our O let us down late ... Defensively were gonna be fine...


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Rocky start. Rebuilding the OL. Think from this point forward things get better. Hopefully it's not to late.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Offense failed to keep up their end of the bargain, defense even spotted them 7 points.

Offense has to score more than 17 if we going to win. They have to convert 3rd and 2 when the game is on the line, which has long been a problem under idiot bevell.


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Offense failed to keep up their end of the bargain, defense even spotted them 7 points.

Offense has to score more than 17 if we going to win. They have to convert 3rd and 2 when the game is on the line, which has long been a problem under idiot bevell.
If the defense has a 17 point lead in the 4th it should be game, match and set.


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Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If the defense has a 17 point lead in the 4th it should be game, match and set.

Yeah but that's the #1 O in the game right now... Seattle just needed a little back-up from there O today and this game was a wrap .... Special teams also set up the Bengals first TD in the 4th quarter with a short field... Once it was a 10 point game I knew it was coming down to the wire...


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Jul 2, 2013
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That was an absolute Fernando Rodney type of 4th quarter.

The thing that concerns me is it has been a common trend this year. 35 points given up in the 4th quarter in the 3 games that we've lost.

Not sure if it is fatigue or what but we need to close out games better. We could easily be 4-1 if we close out properly.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I think it was the O that didn't pick up the slack though... Our D held the #1 offense in check for most of the game... But our O had what, 6 punts on the last 6 possessions ? We just didn't do anything offensively down the stretch ... Hell our D even put up 7 points... I'm not freaking out about our defense, I think our O let us down late ... Defensively were gonna be fine...
This loss was 90% on the defense. Period.

That first drive? Kam was entirely garbage. Fully flat and out of position on not just that TD, but prior plays. CW was getting burned all over the place. On other drives even Earl was lost. They had several times where they didn't look like they had a clue how to line up. The shifts the Bengals were using were confusing the fuck out of them.

They looked better than they actually were because of that timely INT and that fumble recovery for a TD. That INT was at the end of yet another drive where the D was fucking lost.

You want to blame the offense? Really? The D had a SEVENTEEN POINT LEAD going into the latter part of the game. JUST DON'T BREAK and you win. They broke. Big time.

This team is built to hold whatever lead they have. That's what a defensive team does. This team failed, and failed miserably at it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This loss was 90% on the defense. Period.

That first drive? Kam was entirely garbage. Fully flat and out of position on not just that TD, but prior plays. CW was getting burned all over the place. On other drives even Earl was lost. They had several times where they didn't look like they had a clue how to line up. The shifts the Bengals were using were confusing the fuck out of them.

They looked better than they actually were because of that timely INT and that fumble recovery for a TD. That INT was at the end of yet another drive where the D was fucking lost.

You want to blame the offense? Really? The D had a SEVENTEEN POINT LEAD going into the latter part of the game. JUST DON'T BREAK and you win. They broke. Big time.

This team is built to hold whatever lead they have. That's what a defensive team does. This team failed, and failed miserably at it.

How can you say that bro... If our O has one good drive in that 4th quarter the game is over.... Didn't we punt like our last 6 possessions ? Our O did nothing in the 4th quarter... Up 17 with the ball had to punt, up 10 with the ball had to punt, up 3 with the ball had to punt, 1st possession in OT had to punt, second possession in OT had to punt... lol , our D is not the 2013 defense anymore, we can't rely on our D to win every game... Were still a great defense, but going against the #1 offense in the league and holding them to 7 points going into the 4th quarter is a pretty solid job.... Our O needed to close that out and they didn't ... Our D got tired...


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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This is a defense first team. That's what it's know for. That's how they win. Solid Defense. That didn't happen today.

You give this team a 17 point lead in the 4th and it should win 100% of the time because the defense has no business AT ALL giving up 3 drives for points.

If this was GB, or the Lions. Maybe some other team that is offense first and I'd be right with you. This isn't that kind of team.

90% defenses fault.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This is a defense first team. That's what it's know for. That's how they win. Solid Defense. That didn't happen today.

You give this team a 17 point lead in the 4th and it should win 100% of the time because the defense has no business AT ALL giving up 3 drives for points.

If this was GB, or the Lions. Maybe some other team that is offense first and I'd be right with you. This isn't that kind of team.

90% defenses fault.

Our D didn't play great down the stretch that's for sure, but only putting 10 percent on the offense is a little low... they didn't do a dam thing the entire 4th quarter and in over-time... NOTHING ... One good drive and that game is closed out... Yeah we were up 17 and our D should a held serve, but bad special teams play gave the Bengals a couple short fields, our D tired out and they kept the pressure on us... We needed our O to step up and they didn't ...
Sep 11, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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In defense of the well uh defense:

1) The offense is inconsistent when it comes down to converting on 3rd down. You've all seen it! 3 and out, punt! 3 and out, punt!

2) This isn't your daddy's LOB. Literally Cary Williams back there, and Kam is in great shape but is still getting back in the groove of things *cough* Blown coverage on Eifert *cough*

3) All the physical conditioning in the world isn't going to help your Defense IF your offense can't covert on 3rd downs. How much longer was the D on the field in comparison to the Offense? The defense was GASSED in the 4th.

For the longest time, the Seattle Defense has worn the pants in the family. Wilson got payed and We brought in Jimmy Graham, step it up Offense!


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Both sides of the ball didn't finish yesterday. D was good for 3 quarters and then awful in the 4th. You can put blame on the O for punting, but our D was not stopping them in the 4th quarter either. Either 1 stop or 1 decent drive (maybe even just 1 more first down) and we probably win. Didn't happen.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Mill Creek, WA
Hoopla Cash
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Both sides of the ball didn't finish yesterday. D was good for 3 quarters and then awful in the 4th. You can put blame on the O for punting, but our D was not stopping them in the 4th quarter either. Either 1 stop or 1 decent drive (maybe even just 1 more first down) and we probably win. Didn't happen.



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Jul 14, 2013
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LOL...Dalton ate up Chancellor and Williams. Dalton ran in a 5 yd, untouched QB sneak for Christ's sake.

Face it, your season will be over after next weeks loss. Where the hell was Rawls in OT???

Remember, you all should have lost last week to the Lions if refs knew the rules. Choking away 4th Qtr leads is very telling of bad D and coaching/play calling. Especially 17 point leads with 2 minutes left in the 3rd Qtr


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Offense failed to keep up their end of the bargain, defense even spotted them 7 points.

Offense has to score more than 17 if we going to win. They have to convert 3rd and 2 when the game is on the line, which has long been a problem under idiot bevell.
In our 3 losses this year, we had a 4qtr lead and the D gave it up. The D is what we are known for and most resources are steered towards that part of the team.
For those that are blaming Bevell and the O in this game, how many points should be be ahead in the 4th qtr to assure a victory?


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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In our 3 losses this year, we had a 4qtr lead and the D gave it up. The D is what we are known for and most resources are steered towards that part of the team.
For those that are blaming Bevell and the O in this game, how many points should be be ahead in the 4th qtr to assure a victory?
Yeah, the 4th quarter failures this season are disconcerting. The volume of things that all had to happen and go wrong for us to lose that game yesterday at the point where we were ahead 24-7 are nearly mind-boggling. No sustained drives, no defensive stops, big punt return, iffy PI calls (at least 1 for sure was iffy), big pass play wiped away, big INT return wiped away. Flip any 1 of those things and it's probably a W.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Our D didn't play great down the stretch that's for sure, but only putting 10 percent on the offense is a little low... they didn't do a dam thing the entire 4th quarter and in over-time... NOTHING ... One good drive and that game is closed out... Yeah we were up 17 and our D should a held serve, but bad special teams play gave the Bengals a couple short fields, our D tired out and they kept the pressure on us... We needed our O to step up and they didn't ...
Ok, if you don't like putting 10% on the offense when this is a defensive team and it shamefully dumped 17 down the stretch, then how much of our offense would you attribute to Lynch vs Wilson and the rest of it? 40% lynch? Certainly no less than 35%. Say what you want about the rookie and a few of the nice runs he had, but he missed yards Lynch gets even hurt and that was painfully obvious in the 4th.

That's why it's 90% on the D. They HAD to step up and help cover an offense that wasn't stout with Lynch, that now is running without him.

Defense blew that game.

As an aside, this morning on the MMQB segement on KJR Millen's likes and dislikes went in this order on dislikes:
Kam - terrible game.
Williams - terrible game.
Irvin - many mistakes, not really there
Wagner - blew many of his assignments
And he went on a fairly lengthy rant about how bad Graham is at running routes. He said there are some he is really good at, and many he just is terrible at.

5 dislikes and 4 of them were on the defense.

There is no one objective that is going to conclude that defense didn't blow that game despite the fact that one or two more first downs and it would have been sealed. You gave up 2 TD's and a FG in one quarter when you are supposed to be an established defense that closes out games. Just total fail.