Well-Known Member
We went with Snoogins, can someone point Cereal to the exits?
It's either here, or I become a regular at Stan's. Take your pick.

We went with Snoogins, can someone point Cereal to the exits?
No contact info unfortunately. No stans yet either
It's been quite a year for disenchanted 20-something white boys. Let's see....shooting up a movie theater, shooting up a shopping mall, shooting up a classroom full of children...and blowing up a bunch of people at a race.
No contact info unfortunately. No stans yet either
No, I'm serious. I live for the trash talk and you're a good sparring partner, I'll give ya that. I'll hate ya in a week, no doubt, but comes with the territory
No contact info unfortunately. No stans yet either
I blame it all on video games, Chappee. The kids get to kill and blow up things non stop in games and then a few of the warped ones try to immitate it in real life. The kids never did this crap back before the days of Pong and Space Invaders.
one of the few rules here, no pics of dicks
I posted a note over at CBS stating we moved here. Chappee said that's what directed him here. I intended to keep posting it to keep it on the top of the messages
I posted a note over at CBS stating we moved here. Chappee said that's what directed him here. I intended to keep posting it to keep it on the top of the messages
So, you've moved on from blaming Judas Priest music?? :rollseyes:
i'm just giving you the facts
obviously a 2.66 ERA is not going to hold up.
Dirt (surprisingly enough) comes up with the wisdom of the day. If people around here would shorten up their grudge life spans to no longer than one year, I think most people could live with it. The same shit from years ago gets dredged up again and again. Need some sort of moratorium on certain topics.
Oh no....without him and GD, Seinfeld references are due to fall by approx. 4000%.
And I gave you the facts as well...only one of us got all up in arms about it
So thats how Chappee got here? Maybe you should cut back on the notifications on CBS?
it makes me even more sick that what appears to be 2 teenage/early 20's kids did this
Friggin' window, I tells ya'!!!
Looking at those FBI pics, the first thing that strikes me funny is wasn't the weather really nice that day in Boston?
Looks like both of them are dressed up like it's 30 degrees outside - heavy coats, sweatshirts and the like
They didn't look like they were there to see a marathon