Well-Known Member
HuskerinSECland You can spin it how ever you want and believe whatever truth you want to. We all knew what Bo Pelini was as a coach before he became the HC at Nebraska. But hey maybe you didn't. I'm glad he's the HC at Nebraska I think coaches should be given more time then some of you on this board.
As a coach Pelini isn't in the league of Tom Osborne at this time. Maybe in time Pelini just might get to that level. But Tom Osborne at one time couldn't win the big game while at Nebraska and his teams also got blown out. I'm glad Osborne had a 25 year run at Nebraska, he was almost ran out of Nebraska more then once.
Pelini's actions towards the asshat media doesn't bother me and that recording about the fans leaving early, certain media members that was release doesn't bother me, and his sideline demeanor doesn't bother me. If that shit bothers your or offends you then man you need to find more hobbies life will go on. I just like want to see Nebraska win but my life doesn't depend on Nebraska winning every game. Until those young men at Nebraska quite playing for him. The boosters and the AD no longer can support him then it will be time for him to go. Like I've said before there is no sense for everybody pissin' and moanin' about shit we can't change. If you're offended so be it. You just might get your wish next season time will tell.
That's fine, you feel what ever you want to feel. As a fan base we are split down the middle on this issue and to me that is fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and for the most part I am sure everyone has a reason for their viewpoint.
But don't expect me to "feel" the same way just because you have some need for everyone else to validate your opinion. I really don't recall reading anything from you on here before but let me tell you your last few posts have been some of the most egocentric arrogant trash I have ever read.
And though you say there is no sense for anyone to be pissing and moaning about anything they can not change, you still sit at your keyboard pissing and moaning about my opinion which I can guarantee you any chance you had of changing my mind went down the toilet when you decided to come on here in your arrogance telling me I am not allowed to change my opinion if I feel it is warranted.
And don't fret, I am not offended. You are just words on a screen to me. I would guess though that you sit there high and mighty in your mom's basement. It is usually these type who have yet to experience reality that think they can tell me what I can and can not think, what I can and cannot feel and what I am allowed and not allowed to type. So even though this has clearly produced a bumper crop of butt hurt for you, I am going to give you one more quick lesson in reality. As I said before I really don't care.
(Like the way I decided who and what you are without even knowing you? Hint: people who do that are probably just as wrong as I just was. OR was I?