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Unsportsmanlike Conduct


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He's the only one that many on here are tired hearing about though,
Au contraire mon frere....

The Austin Davis (Former Ram) hit the multi-page drivel level and would have been relegated to this thread then if this thread was established at the time. For now, it's conversation is not populating the majority of any thread so it is not an issue.

Should it or any topic take on troll-like debates, they too will be relegated to this Drivel Trash Talk Thread.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Fucking Driveling bastards

pedro vs don.gif


9er hater
Jul 11, 2013
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Okay no more Sam stuff. I will post this on the Philly board. :heh:


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Apr 22, 2013
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Sam Bradford is a hell of a lot better than what we have on our roster right now. That's all I have to say on the matter.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Au contraire mon frere....

The Austin Davis (Former Ram) hit the multi-page drivel level and would have been relegated to this thread then if this thread was established at the time. For now, it's conversation is not populating the majority of any thread so it is not an issue.

Should it or any topic take on troll-like debates, they too will be relegated to this Drivel Trash Talk Thread.

Sorry Davis talk didn't even come close to the Coug love


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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There's a few posters that need to just stfu about Bradford and move on. It's been pretty apparent that one poster is just trolling whenever Bradford is brought up and the other takes the bait.

F'n A Cotton.

Yet you came in here and felt the need to comment?

Sorry 88, it's not called trolling when youre a Ram fan, I read every comment that concerns the Rams. When someone comes on here and continually makes assinine comments about how great Sammie is, I will rip him at every turn. I took a break from the ripping, yet Coug continued with the lame lovefest and "others" continued to slam him. So think what you want, the love wasn't going to stop, so the slamming wasn't going to either?
You haven't been on here long enough to know, it's been never ending with the Sammie Greatness talk for a few years now, it was going to continue whether I commented or not, and if that was the case then it makes more sense to challenge the absurdity of that greatness, cuz Sammie at all that!


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Mar 12, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Yet you came in here and felt the need to comment?

Sorry 88, it's not called trolling when youre a Ram fan, I read every comment that concerns the Rams. When someone comes on here and continually makes assinine comments about how great Sammie is, I will rip him at every turn. I took a break from the ripping, yet Coug continued with the lame lovefest and "others" continued to slam him. So think what you want, the love wasn't going to stop, so the slamming wasn't going to either?
You haven't been on here long enough to know, it's been never ending with the Sammie Greatness talk for a few years now, it was going to continue whether I commented or not, and if that was the case then it makes more sense to challenge the absurdity of that greatness, cuz Sammie at all that!

You don't think Coug is trolling and just saying these things about Bradford to get under your (and the collective boards) skin? I've been here close to a year and it's the same song and dance with you two. Frankly, it blows my mind why you and others don't just ignore him when he brings Bradford up. You're ripping of Coug hijacks threads and it becomes a pissing contest. We shouldn't have to have a separate thread for a guy that's going to be two seasons removed from this team.

And for the record, I do blame Coug for this nonsense, but we just have to learn restraint and just not respond.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You don't think Coug is trolling and just saying these things about Bradford to get under your (and the collective boards) skin? I've been here close to a year and it's the same song and dance with you two. Frankly, it blows my mind why you and others don't just ignore him when he brings Bradford up. You're ripping of Coug hijacks threads and it becomes a pissing contest. We shouldn't have to have a separate thread for a guy that's going to be two seasons removed from this team.

And for the record, I do blame Coug for this nonsense, but we just have to learn restraint and just not respond.

Who the fuck left you king of the board to determine who is to blame in the Sammy fiasco? This cracks me up!! Someone comes out to say Sammy is god and others question that and you criticize them for it???? Fuck You dude!!! ..........Blow Me!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2015
Hoopla Cash
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Who the fuck left you king of the board to determine who is to blame in the Sammy fiasco? This cracks me up!! Someone comes out to say Sammy is god and others question that and you criticize them for it???? Fuck You dude!!! ..........Blow Me!!!

It's my opinion, and frankly Zeke, your opinion means very little to me anyway. You were an idiot over on ESPN and you continue to show your idiocy over here.

You might be the worse offender when it comes to responding to the nonsense that comes from Coug. We're going into year two of not having Bradford and there's a whole separate thread for him, because people like you don't know when to STFU. Just ignore him and his Bradford bs. It would be nice to not see threads get hi jacked. I would love to enjoy this off-season without Bradford being brought up.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Easy Zeke on the directives. Both of you need to chill. This thread is for that Bradford drivel. Granted, if everyone would just ignore one or two instigators, threads like these would indeed disappear but because a couple of folks can't control themselves, we have this thread. So, just meander along here. Capeesh?


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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Trump 2016!!



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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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He's Agent Orange. He'll raze the land and leave everyone with cancer (metaphorically).


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You don't think Coug is trolling and just saying these things about Bradford to get under your (and the collective boards) skin? I've been here close to a year and it's the same song and dance with you two. Frankly, it blows my mind why you and others don't just ignore him when he brings Bradford up. You're ripping of Coug hijacks threads and it becomes a pissing contest. We shouldn't have to have a separate thread for a guy that's going to be two seasons removed from this team.

No I don't think Coug is trolling, I think he owns a Samme poster on the ceiling over his bed, I think he owns Sammie Jammies, the guy is enamored with Sammie!
And I don't think he would stop bringing him up even if people ignored his Sammie posts, I have ignored him, but as I said if you are going to come on the Ram board and throw out ridiculous comments about how great Sammie is, how the majority of teams in the NFL would take him in a heart beat, how awesome his arm is, yada yada, blah, blah, blah, I will hammer him, I will not allow him to get by with this ridiculous nonsense! Hey but that's just me.

And again, people know what this thread is, yet people are coming in here making comments? Does that
make any sense?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Easy Zeke on the directives. Both of you need to chill. This thread is for that Bradford drivel. Granted, if everyone would just ignore one or two instigators, threads like these would indeed disappear but because a couple of folks can't control themselves, we have this thread. So, just meander along here. Capeesh?

I apologize Retro! I was under the influence of a few Sam Adams last night when posting this!:kermit: Paying the price for it now! :trash:

I am a firm believer that every one should abide by the rules. But stop and think about it for a minute and just re-read Vitas opening statement(post#1) he clearly states "If you don't want to be involved, don't post here".

You would think that if some one is tired of hearing about the subject, why would they choose to come here? .....To criticize others? .....I'm refering to posts #17/28. To me this is going against your rules and they are just looking for a argument! To me this is trolling! Isn't this exactly what you are trying to prevent?


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Sooner, rather than later the words 'Sam Bradford' will be removed from the title. It is only included for now to merely warn posters who want to avoid this topic.
Okay, it's sooner!


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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So to be clear, all who care to debate any topic to an endless drivel level, on any Rams' board thread, will be sent here...


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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I will eventually remove the Sam Bradford tag in the thread title and we will relegate all soporific drivel here that finds its way on our boards from time to time.
As a matter of fact, as I'm sure you all will have noticed by the time you read this, I've decided to rename this thread the 'Unsportsmanlike Conduct' thread (Seems fitting) for any and all topics which hijack any thread but in particularly the Master Vent thread.