Bloody Brian Burke
#1 CFL Fan!
That is Trump's ultimate goal though. First they tried to force pharma to show drug prices in TV ads, which was blocked in the courts. They then tried to ban companies from providing rebates to insurers and had to give that up too. The WH's moonshot is getting Medicare to set the reimbursement level for drugs based on their cost in other countries.The general goal (lower medicine cost, yes. But I think most Democrats would rather fix our own system than raid someone else's.
He had to scrap the second one and hasn't truly gone after the third one because his own party is against it, so again this is something he and the Democrats are on the same page on. Lower drug costs is something he would love to run on as an achievement.
I'm sure they would love to but they need something Trump doesn't - campaign money from the pharma companies.For now. They'll fall in line with him if he sticks by this position.
Though, I got the impression this was the stance of a lot of Tea Party/libertarian types in the GOP. Like, this has a really Rand Paul feel about it to me.