Ideally no one gets hurt but naming a water park a Tsunami Pool seems just slightly insensitive to me. Also, who would have thought that going somewhere with Tsunami in the name could result in injury?
Terrified tourists face ‘tsunami’ in pool
Sounds to me like the park gave its goers a real tsunami experience.
Good news! After looking at the district map more closely, the bar I am going to later is a few blocks north of Cummings's district. Safe at last!
(breaks into song and dance of "Anything Goes" - Indiana Jones version)
The bagpipe players will still strike fear in my heart though.
They are outside, I am inside with the beer. Plus they are usually mostly beginners so no matter what they play its really really good.Make sure to request "Mull of Kintyre" as I know you're a big Paul McCartney fan.
Fix your own system and fuck off.
Most of the GOP are adamantly against this.But I thought the GOP were convinced Canada's healthcare system was an unmitigated disaster? Why would we want their drugs, those failures?
Most of the GOP are adamantly against this.
This is the rare occasion the WH's policy goals align with the Democrats instead of Republicans.
Most of the GOP are adamantly against this.
This is the rare occasion the WH's policy goals align with the Democrats instead of Republicans.
Come on know. He is just offering his allegiance to his home country. Cut him some slack...
In case anyone thought I was joking.Good news! After looking at the district map more closely, the bar I am going to later is a few blocks north of Cummings's district. Safe at last!
(breaks into song and dance of "Anything Goes" - Indiana Jones version)
The bagpipe players will still strike fear in my heart though.