Bloody Brian Burke
#1 CFL Fan!
Like I said, it's okay to both think he's an asshole regarding the press and the press can on its own give itself a bad image.When the CNN building has to be evacuated due to a pipe bomb scare and the POTUS constantly calls the press "The enemy of the people" (straight out of the Hitler playbook), it's difficult for me to have much sympathy for the president.
Let's put it this way - Acosta has become almost a joke with regards to his interactions with the president. This isn't close to the first time an interaction between the two became a story and it's not the first time where you can say Acosta doesn't really come out looking like that much of a victim.
Trump's been president for 2 years now. At what point does CNN not have a responsibility to make a change and put someone who may be better at dealing with this president and his administration at the WH instead of him? At what point do we just assume they leave him there because once in a while he becomes the news and really they're just fine with that? On any given day, CNN's website is filled with auto-playing clips of "Cuomo gets MAD at [insert Trump crony]" or "Don Lemon SHUSHES GOP candidate". Minutes after this incident, Acosta's twitter timeline was loaded with retweets from outside media people talking about this.
I'm fine with people pressing Trump. They should be. I'm not fine with media people trying to be the news, especially regular correspondents whose names we should barely remember. Trump plays a part in that but it's not like CNN's tried to get around it in any reasonable way.